Bryn Pierce |
The 2025 Motorsport UK Pirelli Welsh Natioanl Rally Championship will be run in accordance with the General Regulations of Motorsport UK and these Regulations. It is open to all competitors holding a minimum of a Motorsport UK Interclub Competition Licence.
Motorsport UK Permit number - TBA
Without payment, your Championship Registration is NOT complete, and you will NOT appear on the list of Championship Registered Competitors.
Sort Code - 309829 Account Number - 02535873 Account Name - Welsh Association of Motor Clubs Reference - Your full name and WNRC (failure to provide this will delay your application) example: Bryn Pierce WNRC |
By subitting the registration form, you are agreeing to the below:
"I understand that the 2025 Motorsport UK Pirelli Welsh National Rally Championship is organised by the Welsh Association of Motor Clubs on behalf of all the Championship Event Organisers. I have read the Championship Regulations and agree to be bound by them and by the General Regulations of Motorsport UK. I also agree to abide by and be bound by the Supplementary Regulations issued by event organisers of the events which I enter and which form part of the 2025 Motorsport UK Pirelli Welsh National Rally Championship ("The Events")."