COVID Secure Rallying
Rally Results
Our Rally Results service has been updated during 2020 and 2021 to be completely contact free if necessary.
- Results have been delivered online for many years, but this has been recently enhanced to be easier to read on mobile devices with small screens.
- Times are now routinely collected automatically from rally clocks, giving virtually instant results with no need to handle time cards any more.
- Timekeeper's Check Sheets can now be collected by a simple upload facility on a mobile phone which feeds directly into the results system. Not only is this contact free,
it is also considerably faster than waiting for the sheets to be collected and brought to the results office.
The upload just uses a normal phone web browser and works on almost any phone. No app or logging in needed.
- Both Competitor Time Cards and Timekeeper's Check Sheets are generated as PDF documents by the results system, and include individual QR codes to allow quick uploads.
These documents can either be distributed electronically for absolutely zero contact, or we can print these onto card for you.
- Competitor queries either come in by uploads of the time cards, or simply by text message, iMessage or WhatsApp.
The rallies.info results team can handle most competitor timing queries, leaving the officials free for other tasks.
Entry Systems
Our Entry System service has been extended to allow full integration with the new Motorsport UK electronic Signing-On forms.
All the information for the signing-on form is now collected on the normal entry form, and all the competitor has to do to sign
on is to press the button once they've read the declarations. So no more having to manually fill in the Motorsport UK form,
which many competitors struggled to do. As all the information is now in the entry system, providing reports for scrutineers or
anyone else is now very simple.
The entry system also has the facility to require competitors to upload photographs (for example, of their competition licence)
or any other types of document. This can be used alongside the signing-on forms if required.