Before entering the Valleys and Villages Tour, please read the following carefully.
Thank you for using this entry system, the best way to secure an entry is to pay by BACS, as while we wait for your cheque to arrive, fully paid entrants may fill the entry .
There are 70 spaces on this event. The entry list is visible on the system. If it is full you may enter and will be held on the reserve list but please do NOT pay at this point until you are notified a place has become available.
If you have any dietary requests [vegan, vegetarian, allergies, intolerances, etc.], please add this to the free text in the "additional information" box on the form.
ONLINE ENTRY FOR The Valleys and Villages Classic Tour
Sunday 3rd August 2025
Entries Secretary:
Jill Shepherd
27 Florence Road
College Town
GU47 0QB
Telephone 07778 911256
e-mail: valleysandvillagestour@gmail.com
The event is held under the National Competition Rules of Motorsport UK and the Supplementary Regulations and will be run under a Certificate of Exemption as a Touring Assembly .
Welcome to the Valleys and Villages Tour Online Entry system.
Complete all the fields in the form below. The fields with red backgrounds are mandatory.
Sort Code |
40-44-33 |
Account No. |
81665979 |
Account Name |
Devizes and District Motor Club |
Please use reference VV25 and driver's surname
Cheques payable to Devizes and District Motor Club, please send to the Entries Secretary at the address above.
3. When payment has been received you will receive an e-mail confirming your entry. Please watch your spam and junk folders for mail from us.
All the fields with a red background must be filled in, or you will not be able to continue, so please put TBA in any red field for which you do not know the details.