Please complete the entry form below. Don't worry if not all the information is to hand, you will be able to add or amend details once the entry is on the system.
Items with a red background must be completed in order to place the entry on the system, those with a yellow background will have to be completed before you can sign on.
After you click Agree to the declaration & Enter the Event you will receive an automated email response confirming that your entry is in the system.
The Entries Secretary will check your entry and will email you a receipt number, but your entry will not be confirmed until we have received payment.
The entry fee is £135 (for driver and navigator) + £45 for each extra passenger in the car.
Payment can be made via bank transfer to the following:
Bank transfer to:
M Quayle
SORT CODE 55-91-04
Please put the Car Reg and Surname in the reference field, to enable us to identify who has paid.
Once we have your payment, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from the Entries Secretary.
WITHOUT PAYMENT YOUR ENTRY WILL NOT BE VALID. If you don't receive a response within 7 days of sending payment, or if you have any other questions, please contact the Entries Secretary.