Northumberland Borders Rally 2025 - Internet Entry Form


Saturday 15th March 2025

Sponsored YBracing and in support of WaterAid


Welcome to the online entry system for the sixteenth edition of the Northumberland Borders Rally, a unique navigational rally with special tests for classic mini saloons, organised by the Newcastle & Durham Region of the Mini Cooper Register Mini Cooper Register

The event is held under the General Regulations of Motorsport UK (incorporating the International Sporting Code of the FIA), the Supplementary Regulations and any written instructions the organisers may subsequently issue.

A copy of the Supplementary Regulations can be found here:

Please follow the steps below to enter the rally.

Please complete all the fields in the form below.  This includes the fields with red backgrounds, which are mandatory.

Once you have completed the form, hit the "Enter the Rally" button at the bottom, and you will receive an automated response confirming that we have received your entry form.

There are then three ways to pay for your entry, as follows:

1) Bank transfer -  by arranging for your entry fee to be paid directly into the following account:                                                                                                                                                                                


Bank  Natwest
Sort Code  600117
Account No. 81118333
Account Name Niall Cook
Reference Car Registration Number


2) PayPal - using your debit, credit card or PayPal account 

3) Cheque - by making this payable to 'Niall Cook' and posting it, along with your car registration mark, to Sheila Ross, Entries Secretary, c/o the following address

188 Wingrove Road, Fenham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE4 9DB

Mobile: 07748 111178


PLEASE NOTE THAT WITHOUT PAYMENT YOUR ENTRY WILL NOT BE VALID.  Note also that post dated cheques will not be accepted.  

Within 24 hours of us receiving the payment for your entry, you should receive an e-mail confirming your entry, unless you pay by cheque, which might take up to 14 days to clear.

If you don't receive a response within 3 days of the expected payment date, or if you have any other questions, please e-mail:

All the fields with a red background must be filled in, or you will not be able to continue.  If you are unable to complete some of the non-mandatory fields at present, please put 'TBC' for now and provide the information at a later date by editing your own entry and clicking the 'Update' button at the bottom of the form. 

This event uses the Motorsport UK electronic Signing-On documentation, which must be completed before the event to allow you to compete, as there will be no opportunity to Sign-On on the day.  Once you have entered the event, you will be directed to where to Sign-On.  Both the driver and navigator will need to Sign On.  An email reminder will also be sent. 

Thank you for your entry.

The organisers.

Document Addressing
Driver's Parent or Guardian (under 18 only)
Navigator's Parent or Guardian (under 18 only)
Insurers - please provide details of cover if not using our REIS scheme (see below)
Person to be contacted in case of serious accident to Driver
Person to be contacted in case of serious accident to Navigator
Seeding - navigator's top three or more performances on similar events in the last five years
Event Name and Club
Overall Position
No of Starters
Fees - see above for how to pay
Privacy and Permissions

We take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your entry, including providing a public Entry List and sending you emails in connection with your entry. Some of your information will be passed on to the organisation providing results for the event.

We would also like to be allowed to contact you in the future to tell you about other events which we are running, including this event in future years. If you are happy to allow us to do this, please say so here.

We would also like to be allowed to pass on your Name, Address, Post Code and email addresses to [INSERT VIDEO COMPANY HERE] and [INSERT PHOTO COMPANY HERE] so that they can contact you with a view to offering you videos and photos of you on the event. If you are happy to allow us to do this, please say so here.

Remember your entry is subject to receipt of the correct entry fee.

An automated acknowledgement is NOT confirmation of entry.

Rejected entries and entries held in abeyance will be informed by e-mail to the address(es) given above.

By clicking on the "Enter the Rally" button below you agree to the following:


1      I have been given an opportunity to read the General Regulations of Motorsport UK and, if any, the Supplementary Regulations for this event and agree to be bound by them. I declare that I am physically and mentally fit and competent to take part in the event.  I understand that motorsport is dangerous and accidents causing death, injury, disability and property damage can and do happen.  I understand that these risks may give rise to my suffering personal injury or other loss and I acknowledge and accept these risks.              

2.     To the best of my belief the driver(s) possess(es) the standard of competence necessary for an event of the type to which this entry relates and that the vehicle entered is suitable and roadworthy for the event having regard to the course and the speeds which will be reached.

3.     The use of the vehicle hereby entered is covered by insurance as required by the law which is valid for such part of this event as shall take place on roads as defined by the law.

4.     I understand that should I at the time of any event in this event be suffering from any disability whether permanent or temporary which is likely to affect prejudicially my normal control of the vehicle, I may not take part unless I have declared such disability to Motorsport UK which has, following such declaration, issued a licence which permits me to do so.

5.     Any application form for a licence which was signed by a person under the age of 18 years was countersigned by that person’s parent/legal guardian/guarantor, whose full names and addresses have been given.

6.     If I am the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor of the driver/co-driver I understand that I shall have the right to be present during any procedure being carried out under the Supplementary Regulations issued for this event and the General Regulations of Motorsport UK.  As the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor I confirm that I have acquainted myself with Motorsport UK General Regulations, agree to pay any appropriate charges and fees pursuant to those Regulations (to include any appendices thereto) and hereby agree to be bound by those Regulations and submit myself without reserve to the consequences resulting from those Regulations (and any subsequent alteration thereof).  Further, I agree to pay as liquidated damages any fines imposed upon me up to the maxima set out in Part 3, Appendix 1.

Note:Where the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor is not present there must be a representative who must produce a written and signed authorisation to so act from the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor as appropriate.

7.     I hereby agree to abide by Motorsport UK Child Protection Policy and Guidelines and the National Sporting Code of Conduct.

8.     I undertake that at the time of the event to which this entry relates I shall have passed or am exempt from an ASN specified medical examination within the specified period. (H10.1.6)

9.      I have read and fully understood the Procedure for Control of Drugs and Alcohol as contained in the Motorsport UK Yearbook Regulations H39, D35.1, G15.1.4 and have also familiarised myself with the information on the websites referred to ( in particular the UK Anti Doping Rules which have been adopted by the Motorsport UK (as amended).  Further, if I am counter-signing as the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor of a minor then in addition to the deemed consent to the testing of that minor (Art 5.6.2) I hereby confirm that I give such consent for the minor concerned to be so tested.

Indemnity: In consideration of the acceptance of this entry I agree that neither any one of or any combination of Motorsport UK and its associated clubs, the organisers, the land owners or other occupiers, the promoters and their respective officers, servants, representatives and agents (“the Parties”) shall have any liability for loss or damage which may be sustained or incurred by me as a result of participation in the event.  Nothing in this clause is intended to or shall be deemed to exclude or limit liability for death or personal injury.  To the fullest extent permitted by law I agree to indemnify and hold harmless each of the Parties in respect of any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising from my participation in this event.