12 July 2025 Summer Barbecue - Internet Entry Form

General Secretary

Telephone: 01534 852952 
E-Mail: secretary@jerseymotorsport.com

Date: 16th November 2024

Jersey Motor Cycle & Light Car Club

Summer BBQ to be held at Le Moulin De Lecq
16th November 2024 - 7pm for 7.30pm
Black Tie or Lounge Suit
Adult £25.00 Child under 11 years old £15.00

Payable; Cash/Check or Paypal/Credit Card.Go to www.jerseymotorsport.com  & click on Annual Dinner for payment details







Welcome to Jersey Motorcycle and Light Car Club Online Entry system. Please follow the steps below to enter the event.

Complete all the fields in the form below.

The fields with red backgrounds are mandatory.

Once you have hit the "Enter Event" button at the end you will receive an automated response confirming we have received your payment

There are two ways to pay

1) If you would like to pay via credit or debit card, you will get a link after submitting your entry.

2) You can send a cheque, made payable to "Jersey Motorcycle and Light Car Club" to the General Secretary.  Please write the table name on the back of the cheque.


if you have any other questions, please e-mail the entries secretary at the address above.


Contact Information
Fees - see above for how to pay
Entrant (if applicable and not driver)
Privacy and Permissions

By using this system you are accepting these terms:

We take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your information for the Annual Dinner. Some of your information may be passed on to the organisation for the event.

We would also like to be allowed to contact you in the future to tell you about other events which we are running, including this event in future years. If you are happy to allow us to do this, please say so here.