Turf and Surf Tour 2025 - Internet Entry Form

Welcome to EHUP MOTORSPORT in association with Mathewsons

  Turf and Surf Tour Online Entry system.

Event date SUNDAY 27th April 2025

(+ optional Get Together Dinner on the evening of Saturday 26th April 2025)

Please follow the steps below to enter the event.

Complete all the fields in the form below.

The fields with red backgrounds are mandatory.

Once you have hit the "Enter Event" button at the end you will receive an automated response confirming we have received your entry form

This will then give you a link to... Please pay online  

the entry fee is £135 (car, driver and passenger) + £45.00 For every extra passenger in the car



Contact Infromation
Driver's Parent or Guardian (under 18 only)
Co-Driver's Parent or Guardian (under 18 only)
Person to be contacted in case of serious accident to Driver or Co driver
Fees - Payment online
Extra passenger,
Please let us know of any dietary requirements:
Privacy and Permissions

We take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your entry, including providing a public Entry List and sending you emails in connection with your entry.

We would also like to be allowed to contact you in the future to tell you about other events which we are running, including this event in future years. If you are happy to allow us to do this, please say so here.


Entry Declaration:

I declare that I am physically and mentally fit to take part in the event and I am competent to do so. I acknowledge that I understand the nature and type of event and the potential risk inherent with Motor sport and agree to accept that risk.
I declare that the use of the vehicle hereby entered will be covered by insurance as required by the law which is valid for such part of this event as shall take place on road as defined by the law.