Held under the General Regulations of Motorsports UK (incorporating the International Sporting Code of the FIA) and the Supplementary Regulations
Welcome to East Ayrshire Car Club 2024 Online Entry system. Please follow the steps below to enter the event.
Complete all the fields in the form below.The fields with red backgrounds are mandatory.
Once you have hit the "Enter the event" button at the end you will receive an automated response confirming we have received your entry form.
Payment for entry to this event can be made in three ways:
PayPal: After completing yur entry you will get a link to take you to Paypal's website, where you can pay for your entry. Note that we do not see your card details at all, this is all handled for us by Paypal.
BACS transfer: If you have internet or telephone banking, you can arrange for the fees to be paid directly into our account. The details are:-
Bank of Scotland
Sort Code
Account No.
Account Name
East Ayrshire Car Club
Driver's full name.
Cheque: You can send a cheque made payable to 'East Ayrshire Car Club' to the Entries Secretary at the address above.
You must upload a copy of your clubcard and Motorsport UK licence.
Within 24 hours of us receiving the payment for your entry you should receive an e-mail confirming your entry from the Entries Secretary.
Notes: Without payment your entry will not be valid.
Without uploding your clubcard & Motoprsport UK licence you have not completed the signing on process and can't start the event
Signing on is virtual and carried out through this event entry system.
If you don't receive a response within 3 days of the expected date, or if you have any other questions, please e-mail russell@faircu.plus.com
All the fields with a red background must be filled in, or you will not be able to continue. Please put TBA in any red field which you do not know the details for.