TEGIWA Dukeries Rally 2025 - Internet Entry Form

Entries close for seeding purposes at 19.00 on Thursday 6th March.  Entries finally close at 19.00 on Thursday 13th March unless we get to 90 accepted and 25 reserve entries being received at which point we will close entries regardless.

Entries Secretary: Pete Butler.  e-mail: entries@dukeries-motorclub.co.uk   Tel 07948 840658  before 9.00pm

Held under the National Competition Rules (NCR's) of Motorsport UK (incorporating the International Sporting Code of the FISA) and the event Supplementary Regulations

The TEGIWA Dukeries Rally - Sunday 16th March 2025 Online Entry system.

We recommend you follow the steps below to submit your entry:

1 - Complete the mandatory fields (marked in red) in the form below, read the declaration then click the blue button to "Agree to the Declaration and Enter the Event" to initially submit your entry. You will receive an email within a few minutes telling you your entry has been received by the system.

2 - Immediately after submitting your entry, make a payment to the event for your full entry fee and any extras you have selected. There is only one way to pay - via a BACS payment.  The event bank details are below:

3 - Once you have sent payment, go into your emails and find the entry received email and look for the blue link that says "Access your Entry Home Page".

4 - Please click this link and check / populate the fields marked in yellow or white on the entry form. These fields can be filled in later but any yellow ones must be populated before Thursday 6th March 2025. They will be required before you can sign-on.

Bank Co-operative Bank
Sort Code  08-92-99
Account No.  65342240
Account Name:  Dukeries MC Events Account
Reference Driver's First name and Surname


Within 48 hours of us receiving the entry form and payment for your entry you should receive an e-mail confirming acceptance of your entry. Alternatively, if we have already received the maximum number of entries, you will be placed on the reserve entry list. You will receive an email confirming your status from the Entries Secretary.


We will not be publishing an unseeded entry list for at least 48 hours from the entries opening time to allow us time to process payments and will not be responding to questions regarding entry status or payments until this has been published.

If you don't receive a response within 3 days of the expected payment date, or if you have any other questions,please e-mail:  entries@dukeries-motorclub.co.uk  

If you are joining Dukeries Motor Club you need to complete the Membership Form on the Dukeries MC website at https://membermojo.co.uk/dukeries-motorclub/  and submit a £15 payment for the club subscription.

Document Addressing
Driver Publicity
Driver's Parent or Guardian (under 18 only)
Co-Driver Publicity
Co-Driver's Parent or Guardian (under 18 only)
2024 / 25 Protyre Circuit Rally Championship
Clubman Motorsport EMAMC Stage Rally Championship
Heart of England Stage Rally Championship (AWMMC)
Alpha Concrete ANEMMC Stage Rally Championship
Go Traffic Management AEMC / ASEMC Rally Championship
CMSGCC Cotswold Motorsport Group Rally Championship
Dukeries Motor Club Rally Championship
Person to be contacted in case of serious accident to Driver
Person to be contacted in case of serious accident to Co-Driver
Seeding - Past Performance on Rallies
Event Name and Club
Overall Position
No of Starters
Seeding - Competitor Opinion
Fees - see above for how to pay
Entrant (if applicable and not driver)
Privacy and Permissions

We take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your entry, including providing a public Entry List and sending you emails in connection with your entry. Some of your information will be passed on to the organisation providing results for the event.

Remember your entry is subject to receipt of the correct entry fee. An automated acknowledgement is NOT confirmation of entry.

Reserve entries will be informed by e-mail to the address(es) given above.

By clicking on the "Enter the Rally" button below you agree to the following:

'I declare that I have been given the opportunity to read the General Regulations of Motorsport UK and, if any, the Supplementary Regulations for this event and agree to be bound by them. I declare that I am physically and mentally fit and competent to take part in the event. I understand that motorsport is dangerous and accidents causing death, injury, disability and property damage can and do happen. I understand that these risks may give rise to my suffering personal injury or other loss and I acknowledge and accept these risks.

‘In consideration of the acceptance of this entry I agree that neither any one of or any combination of the Motorsport UK and its associated clubs, the organisers, the track owners or other occupiers, the promoters and their respective officers, servants, representatives and agents (the “Parties”) shall have any liability for loss or damage which may be sustained or incurred by me as a result of participation in the Event.

Nothing in this clause is intended to or shall be deemed to exclude or limit liability for death or personal injury.

To the fullest extent permitted by law I agree to indemnify and hold harmless each of the Parties in respect of any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising from my participation in the Event.

'I declare that to the best of my belief the driver(s) possess(es) the standard of competence necessary for an event of the type to which this entry relates and that the vehicle entered is suitable and roadworthy for the event having regard to the course and the speeds which will be reached'.

‘I understand that should I at the time of this event be suffering from any disability whether permanent or temporary which is likely to affect prejudicially my normal control of my vehicle, I may not take part unless I have declared such disability to the ASN which has, following such declaration, issued a licence which permits me to do so.’

'I hereby agree to abide by the Motorsport UK Child Protection Policy and guidelines and the National Code of Sporting Conduct'.