Border 100 Road Rally 2025 - Internet Entry Form

Document Addressing
Driver's Parent or Guardian (under 18 only)
Co-Driver's Parent or Guardian (under 18 only)
Welsh Border Car Club
Person to be contacted in case of serious accident to Driver
Person to be contacted in case of serious accident to Co-Driver
Seeding - Past Performance on Rallies
Event Name and Club
Overall Position
Marshal Details
Privacy and Permissions

We take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your entry, including providing a public Entry List and sending you emails in connection with your entry. Some of your information will be passed on to the organisation providing results for the event.

We would also like to be allowed to contact you in the future to tell you about other events which we are running, including this event in future years. If you are happy to allow us to do this, please say so here.

There will be a number of photographers throughout and during the event, if you do not wish to have your photo taken please reply to this email. If you do not reply to this email you are giving authorisation for these photographs to be taken.

By clicking on the "Enter the Rally" button below you agree to the following: "I declare that I have been given the opportunity to read the General Regulations of the Motor Sports UK and, if any, the Supplementary Regulations for this event and agree to be bound by them. I declare that I am physically and mentally fit to take part in the event and I am competent to do so. I acknowledge that I understand the nature and type of the competition and the potential risk inherent with motor sport and agree to accept that risk. Further, I understand that all persons having any connection with the promotion and/or organisation and/or conduct of the event are insured against loss or injury caused through their negligence.."