Jersey - 2 Day Trial - 9th/10th November 2024 - Internet Entry Form


The Chequered Flag
Les Charrieres du Boulay






This event is held under the National Sporting Code of the Auto-Cycle Union, the Standing Regulations, Supplementary Regulations and any Final Instructions issued for the meeting.
The ACU National Sporting Code and Standing Regulations are published annually in the ACU Handbook.

 Welcome to Jersey Motorcycle and Light Car Club Online Entry system. Please follow the steps below to enter the event.

Complete all the fields in the form below.

The fields with red backgrounds are mandatory.

Once you have hit the "Enter Event" button at the end you will receive an automated response confirming we have received your entry form.

There is one way to pay

1) If you would like to pay via credit or debit card, you will get a link at this point to take you to Paypal's website.



Within 24 hours of us receiving the payment for your entry you should receive an e-mail confirming your entry from the Entries Secretary


NOTE: WITHOUT PAYMENT YOUR ENTRY WILL NOT BE VALID. If you don't receive a response within 3 days of the expected payment date, or if you have any other questions, please e-mail the entries secretary at the address above.


Contact Information
Additional Information
Rider's Parent or Guardian (under 18 only)
Person to be contacted in case of serious accident to Rider
Fees - see above for how to pay
Marshal Details (Jersey Competitor Only)

Please enter Marshal name  and contact details in the 'Notes Section' below

Privacy and Permissions

We take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your entry, including providing a public Entry List and sending you emails in connection with your entry. Some of your information will be passed on to the organisation providing results for the event.

We would also like to be allowed to contact you in the future to tell you about other events which we are running, including this event in future years. If you are happy to allow us to do this, please say so here.

Please ignore this question

Remember your entry is subject to receipt of the correct entry fee


This event is held under the National Sporting Code of the Auto-Cycle Union, the Standing Regulations, Supplementary Regulations and any Final Instructions issued for the meeting. The ACU National Sporting Code and Standing Regulations are published annually in the ACU Handbook.



ENTRY DECLARATION:    I the undersigned apply to enter the event described above and in consideration thereof: -

  • I hereby declare that I have had the opportunity to read, and that I understand the National Sporting Code of the ACU, the ACU Standing Regulations, such Supplementary Regulations as have or may be issued for the event, and agree to be bound by them.
  • I declare that I am physically and mentally fit to take part in the event and I am competent to do so. I confirm that I understand the nature and type of event I am entering and its inherent risks and agree to accept the same notwithstanding that such risks may involve negligence on the part of the organisers or officials.
  • I confirm that I am not currently suspended from ACU permitted competition nor on the ACU Stop List as a result of incurring a Concussion injury.
  • I accept that insurance arranged on my behalf by the organisers of events that I may enter specifically excludes liability between the participants. I understand that this form may be used in litigation as evidence that any serious injury will be principally the result of my voluntary decision to engage in a high risk activity.
  • I consent to details of any injuries I may suffer at this event being passed between all medical services and the Clerk of the Course.
  • I consent to the collection and retention of my personal information by the ACU.
  • I confirm that the machine(s) as described below which I shall participate on shall be suitable and proper for the purpose. I confirm that I am eligible to participate on the machines for which I have entered.
  • I confirm that if any part of the event takes place on a public highway, the machine(s) described below shall be insured as required by the Road Traffic Acts, or equivalent legislation, and that they will comply with the regulations in respect thereof.
  • I accept responsibility for any items borrowed from the Organiser during the course of the event.  These items include but are not restricted to (safety clothing, transponders, accessories).  I understand that I am liable for the cost or replacement of any items lost or not returned and non-payment or non-replacement of items borrowed may affect my entry into subsequent events. 
  • I confirm that I have not been refused an ACU Licence, nor had an ACU Licence suspended, nor have I been excluded from any ACU competition.


  • I acknowledge the Organisers are operating this event in accordance with Government guidelines, advice and instruction so as to minimise the risk to Competitors, Marshals and Officials and the public from Covid-19.
  • By participating in this event, I will take all necessary steps to protect myself and others from the risk of infection. I agree to follow and abide by any instructions set down by the Organiser in an effort to minimise the risk of the Covid-19 virus. 
  • I acknowledge and accept the underlying and unavoidable risk of infection from the Covid-19 virus.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE RISKS OF MOTORSPORT:  I understand that by taking part in this event I am exposed to a risk of death, becoming permanently disabled or suffering some other serious injury and I acknowledge that even in the event that negligence on the part of the ACU, any event organiser, any circuit owner, the promoter, the organising club, the venue owner, or any individual carrying out duties on their behalf were to be a contributory cause of any serious injury I may suffer, the dominant cause of any serious injury will always be my voluntary decision to take part in a high risk activity.

I have read the above and acknowledge that my participation in motorsport is entirely at my own risk.  I agree that I am required to register on arrival by “signing on” at the designated place before taking part in any Practice Session or Race.