The Pentraeth Automotive Glyn Memorial Stages 2019 Seeded Entry List

1Mark KellyGarstang & Preston MCANWCC StageNeil ColmanWhitby &DMCANWCC StageFordEscort MK2Red2500D
2Roger MoranOwen MCJamie Vaughan ForrestersDarrian T90 GTRBlue2500D
3Rob HughesC&AMCANWCC StageSion CunniffC&AMCANWCC StageFordFiesta R5White/Red1600D
4Wesley Simpson Wallasey MCJoe Ford Wallasey MCFord EscortWhite 2500D
5Brandon SmithClitheroe &DMCANWCC Stage,ANWCC NWMerfyn WilliamsC&AMCDarrianT90 GTWhite2900D
6Scott MoranHadley &DLCCChristopher RidgeKnighton MCFordEscortGrey2500D
7Andrew MorrisWelsh Border CC, Clitheroe &DMCANWCC Stage,ANWCC NWChloe ThomasC&AMC, BWRDC, NWCCANWCC Stage,ANWCC NW,ANWCC LadiesFordEscort MK2Red2000C
8Chris BerryC&AMCDaniel PetrieLudlow Castle Motor CLubFordEscort Mk2Orange 2000C
9Derwyn RobertsC&AMCEluned RobertsC&AMCFordEscort MK3White1599B
10Mark SmithWelsh Border CCTim NunnWallasey MCPeugeot106Grey1596B
11Neil RoskellGarstang & Preston MCDaniel RoskellGarstang & Preston MCSubaruImprezaBlue2000D
12Greg WilliamsWarrington &DMCANWCC Stage,ANWCC NWRichard EdwardsWarrington &DMCSubaruImprezaSilver1998D
14Berwyn EvansC&AMCANWCC Stage,ANWCC NW,ANWCC AllroundersMari Haf EvansC&AMCANWCC Stage,ANWCC NW,ANWCC Ladies,ANWCC AllroundersFordEscortBlue2500D
15Nigel GreensallC&A Motor ClubToby MarshallEcurie Royal OakToyotaGT86White/Green/Red1998C
16Keith DaviesBala &DMCStephen CooperWarrington & DMCFordFocusWhite/Green2500D
17Sean SmithWallasey MCPaul JacksonWallasey MCFordEscort MK2Green2400D
18Shaun HughesEcurie Royal OakDean HughesEcurie Royal OakFordEscortRed1998C
19Steve HazelbyTeifi Valley MCWAMCLloyd BettinsonWelsh Sprint & Hillclimb ClubSubaruImprezaBlue1998D
20Aled DaviesPDMCKai DaviesVauxhallAstraWhite1996C
21Lee JonesNorth Wales CCLewis Griffiths MitsubishiEvo 5Red1998C
22Chris Row North Wales CCANWCC StageJayne Auden Row North Wales CCANWCC Stage,ANWCC LadiesMG ZRGreen 1400A
23Dafydd WilliamsTeifi Valley MCAndrew DaviesLampeter &DMCChryslerSunbeamRed1979C
24Sion JonesC&AMCWil OwenHarlech &DMCCitroenSaxoWhite0B
25John JonesC&AMCCaian WilliamsC&AMCANWCC Stage,ANWCC NW,ANWCC AllroundersFordEscort MK2Silver1998C
26Adam BoothEcurie Royal Oak MCDan GrangerEcurie Royal Oak MCFordEscortRed1997C
28Martyn QuantC&A Motor ClubChris EvansBala & District MCVauxhallCorsaOrange1398A
29Jonathan DaviesNorth Wales CCJamie WallisVauxhallCorsaWhite1398A
30Chris Ellis-Jones C&A Motor ClubGlenn LathamAberystwyth &DMCPeugeot 205 GTiWhite1596B
31Erdinc DegirmenciogluWarrington &DMCBarry ArmerBlackpool South Shore MSCFordEscort 1300XLWhite1988C
32Rhisiard Gareth HughesC&AMCDavid AndersonC&AMCFordEscort MK2Light Blue2000C
33Trevor GrovesClwyd Vale MCANWCC Stage,ANWCC NWLauren GrovesClwyd Vale MCANWCC Stage,ANWCC NW,ANWCC LadiesPorsche924Black/Red/Yellow1984C
34Stephen Bright Warrington &DMCPatricia Davies Warrington &DMCMitsubishiEvo 6 LancerWhite2000D
35Keith AngleseaBroughton & Bretton MCANWCC Stage,ANWCC NWLaurie WalkerStreetly MCBMWCompactBlue & Gold1900C
36Kevin Stubbs116 Car ClubPhil BoothEcurie Royal Oak MCCitroenC2White/Green2000C
37Mark YoungEROJoanna YoungEROPeugeot 205White0C
38Peter JacksonWigan &DMCMorgan OwenC&A Motor ClubFordFiestaBlack/Red1596B
39Chris JohnsonWarrington &DMCANWCC Stage,ANWCC AllroundersRob Johnson Warrington &DMCANWCC Stage,ANWCC AllroundersPeugeot 205 RallyeWhite 1388A
40Stephen TerryUnder 17 Motor ClubDavid TerryUnder 17 Motor ClubNissanMicraWhite1348A
41Tony JacksonNorth Wales CC / Formula 1000Paul JonesMiniCooperRed1600B
42Geoffrey HarperEypnt MC / WMPMCNeil MurphyMGZRBlue1600B
43Ryan LewisC&A Motor ClubJames ProudfootDukeriesToyotaGT86White/Blue1998C
44Steven KenyonGarstang & Preston MC/ F1000ANWCC Stage,F1000Graham ChestersFordFiesta MK1Yellow957A
47Dave RobertsKnutsford &DMCNigel PerkinsKnutsford &DMCSubaru WRX RAWhite2000D
48Rob Power Wallasey MCGeorgina SmithMalton MCFord Escort MK2White 2500D
101Rob WilsonF1000Junior 1000Martin HaggettF1000Junior 1000CitroenC1Black998F
102Lewis HooperF1000, E1000Junior 1000,Junior 1000 EcosseSam Bilham F1000, E1000Junior 1000,Junior 1000 EcosseNissan Micra Red998F
103Archie SwinscoeF1000 EACCJunior 1000Neil ByeBTRDASkodaCitigoRed /White998F
104Max HughesF1000/WBCCJunior 1000Chris EvansF1000/WBCCJunior 1000CitroenC1Red998F
105Oliver HunterEast Ayrshire CCJunior 1000 EcosseRichard CrozierWolverhampton & South Staffs CC / Saltire RCJunior 1000 EcossePeugeot107White1000F
106Cameron DavidsonSaltire Rally ClubIan McRaeScottish Sporting CCVolkswagenUp!White999F
107Mathew JonesF1000Junior 1000Christopher BrierleyF1000Junior 1000CitroenC1White998F
108Justin Gunning EACCJunior 1000 EcosseStuart McBrideEACCJunior 1000 EcosseSkodaCitigo Blue998F
109Cian Gwyn HughesF1000Junior 1000Michael JonesF1000Junior 1000SuzukiAltoWhite998F
110Tom NaylorF1000Junior 1000Tom BishopCannockNissanMicraRed998F
111David BurdenF1000Junior 1000Aled EdwardsHarlech &DMCJunior 1000NissanMicraWhite995F
112Thomas Johnstone GMSCJunior 1000 EcosseEdwards RuncimanMull Car ClubJunior 1000 EcosseNissan MicraGreen998F
113Jack HallSaltire Rally ClubJunior 1000 EcosseRobin NicolsonSaltire Rally ClubJunior 1000 EcosseToyotaYarisWhite1000F
114Adam HoustonSheffield & HallamshireJunior 1000Clive AllfordJunior 1000ChevroletSparkWhite/Blue950F
115Owen PatersonSouth of Scotland Car ClubJunior 1000 EcosseCalum MacPhersonSouth of Scotland Car ClubJunior 1000 EcossePeugeot 107Black999F
116Dylan Fon Roberts F1000Junior 1000Dylan ThomasC&AMC / F1000ANWCC Stage,Junior 1000NissanMicraBlue 998F
117Aaron WebsterGMSCJunior 1000 EcosseNeil JeffreyGMSCJunior 1000 EcosseNissanMicraSilver998F
118Maurice HenryF1000 Junior Rally Club Junior 1000Mike JodeRoss & District Motor ClubJunior 1000CitroenC1Orange998F
119Erica WinningSSCCJunior 1000 EcosseEllya GoldDunfermline CCJunior 1000 EcosseNissanMicraWhite/Pink998F
120Letisha ConnSouth of Scotland Car ClubJunior 1000 EcosseIan CrosbieSouth of Scotland Car ClubJunior 1000 EcosseCitroenC1White1000F
121James Hancock F1000Junior 1000Colin EvansC&A Motor ClubJunior 1000Citroen C1Red998F
122Harry WalshawF1000/ De Lacy MCJunior 1000Ian HoustonSheffield & Hallamshire MCNissanMicraBlue998F
123Harry Pinchin F1000ANWCC StageColin JenkinsRoss &DMSCPeugeot107Yellow1000F
124Lacey BrownF1000Junior 1000Andrew WalshawDe Lacy MCJunior 1000Volkswagen LupoRed999F
125Max SpeedF1000Junior 1000Neil MatthewsPeugeot 107Yellow 998F


WAMC = JD Tyres Welsh National Tarmacadam Championship    
ANWCC STAGE = ANWCC Stage Rally Championship    
ANWCC NW = ANWCC North Wales Stage Rally Challenge    
ANWCC LADIES = ANWCC Ladies Rally Championship    
ANWCC ALLROUNDERS = ANWCC Allrounders Championship    
F1000 = The Yokohama Tyres Senior Formula 1000 Championship    
JUNIOR 1000 = Junior 1000 Rally Championship    
JUNIOR 1000 ECOSSE = The Junior 1000 Ecosse Challenge    

A = Up to and including 1400cc    
B = 1401cc up to and including 1600cc    
C = 1601cc up to and including 2000cc    
D = 2001cc and over    
E = Road Rally class (as per 2019 Blue Book)    
F = Formula 1000    

These entries are in seeded order.

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