Posn Stage 24
Trinity 24
2.87 miles
11 3:21.1
23 3:22.1
32 3:25.5
44 3:34.3
522 3:39.3
614 3:39.6
717 3:39.8
818 3:39.8
99 3:40.8
1011 3:43.1
1119 3:43.3
1213 3:43.5
1339 3:43.6
1416 3:44.8
1520 3:47.2
1635 3:47.2
1715 3:47.6
1823 3:48.6
1921 3:49.0
2012 3:49.1
2137 3:49.6
2232 3:51.2
2369 3:52.7
2425 3:56.1
2540 3:56.2
2664 3:56.5
2751 3:56.6
2857 3:57.7
2968 3:57.7
3047 3:57.8
3128 3:57.9
3229 3:58.2
3367 3:58.2
3462 3:58.3
3558 4:00.2
3644 4:00.3
3750 4:00.3
3845 4:02.1
3972 4:03.0
4052 4:03.3
4148 4:03.5
4246 4:04.4
4342 4:06.7
4461 4:06.9
4554 4:07.4
4655 4:07.6
4780 4:10.7
4871 4:13.0
4978 4:15.6
5053 4:15.9
5173 4:17.5
5266 4:17.9
5363 4:21.5
5465 4:26.5
5576 4:29.0
5660 4:31.6

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 9th October 2010 at 18:46 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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