Posn Stage 1
Sharnberry 1
3.10 miles
Stage 2
Kings Crag 1
4.17 miles
11 3:191 4:46
22 3:212 4:50
33 3:255 4:53
45 3:263 4:57
56 3:267 4:59
64 3:284 5:04
742 3:288 5:04
810 3:326 5:05
98 3:3341 5:09
1041 3:3342 5:09
119 3:3514 5:11
127 3:369 5:14
1352 3:3810 5:15
1443 3:3916 5:15
1514 3:4043 5:20
1612 3:4444 5:27
1715 3:4449 5:27
1816 3:4412 5:29
1944 3:4515 5:31
2048 3:4545 5:32
2145 3:4748 5:33
2249 3:4752 5:35
2322 3:5127 5:43
2446 3:5217 5:45
2523 3:5521 5:48
2621 3:5724 5:50
2719 3:5853 5:51
2820 4:0047 5:56
2927 4:0250 5:56
3017 4:0320 5:59
3124 4:0322 5:59
3253 4:0519 6:09
3330 4:0730 6:16
3447 4:0754 6:23
3550 4:0828 6:29
3629 4:0951 6:29
3728 4:2329 8:17
3851 4:2723 8:20
3954 4:3346 8:20

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 9th May 2010 at 16:15 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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