Car Cls Crew Penalty Total Cls
61JOllie Forrester/ George Myatt11
62JMcKenzie Snowden/ Jonathan Turnbull22
63JWilliam Paterson / Barry Young33
64JHenri Cynwyl/ Geraint Evans44
65JAlfie Letham/ Craig Wallace 55
66JKyle Green/ Rhys Stoneman66
67JOllie Poole/ Bryan Hamilton77
68JDaniel Taylor/ Stuart Gilks88
69JThomas Babb/ Andrew Blackwood99
70JJack Robinson/ Bonnie Papper1010
71JZak Furber/ Graham Wild1111
72JGregor Baetson/ Ted Runciman1212
73JRhys Purvin/ Paul Cummins1313
75JIoan Thomas/ Dylan Davies1414
76JThomas Marriott/ Rob Brook 1515
77JLucyanne Cree/ Chloe Fleming1616
78JLewis Arnold/ Ellie Arnold1717
79JApril Alexander Blair/ Gordon Winning1818
80JConnor Pitcaithly/ Chris Hamill1919
81JCaela Wallace/ Steven Brown2020
82JRebecca Challis/ Christian Brown2121
83JDarci Morrison/ Richard Simmonds2222
84JAlexander Reid/ Ian McRae2323
85Jiago edwards/ caron tomlinson2424

Times shown like this are notional or penalised and numbers like this are the position on that Stage.

These results became Final on Sunday 2nd March 2025 at 16:40 GMT and were signed by Steve Kenyon (Clerk of the Course)

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