Car Cls Crew Penalty Total Cls
61JOllie Forrester/ George Myatt11
62JMcKenzie Snowden/ Jonathan Turnbull22
63JWilliam Paterson / Barry Young33
64JHenri Cynwyl/ Geraint Evans44
65JAlfie Letham/ Craig Wallace 55
66JKyle Green/ Rhys Stoneman66
67JOllie Poole/ Bryan Hamilton77
68JDaniel Taylor/ Stuart Gilks88
69JThomas Babb/ Andrew Blackwood99
70JJack Robinson/ Bonnie Papper1010
71JZak Furber/ Graham Wild1111
72JGregor Baetson/ Ted Runciman1212
73JRhys Purvin/ Paul Cummins1313
75JIoan Thomas/ Dylan Davies1414
76JThomas Marriott/ Rob Brook 1515
77JLucyanne Cree/ Chloe Fleming1616
78JLewis Arnold/ Ellie Arnold1717
79JApril Alexander Blair/ Gordon Winning1818
80JConnor Pitcaithly/ Chris Hamill1919
81JCaela Wallace/ Steven Brown2020
82JRebecca Challis/ Christian Brown2121
83JDarci Morrison/ Richard Simmonds2222
84JAlexander Reid/ Ian McRae2323
85Jiago edwards/ caron tomlinson2424

Times shown like this are notional or penalised

These results became Final on Sunday 2nd March 2025 at 16:40 GMT and were signed by Steve Kenyon (Clerk of the Course) - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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