Car Cls Crew123 Penalty Total Cls
1AMichael Igoe/ Will Atkins6:226:216:1518:5811
2AJohn Griffiths / Emma Morrison6:216:216:2119:0322
4AKiaran Hankin/ Ben Butterworth6:276:226:2219:1133
3AJohn Stone/ Alex Stone6:296:276:2619:2244
6CChris West/ Keith Hounslow6:326:336:2519:3015
5CWil Owen/ Robbie Sandford6:386:346:3219:4426
8CDave Willett/ John Davies6:406:386:3419:5237
14AChris Woodhouse/ Lucy Wilding 6:516:356:3720:0358
17CBradley Carroll / Gareth Short6:536:476:4220:2249
9CAlasdair Stables/ Neil Jones6:516:466:5620:33510
13DChris Berry/ Lucie Gutteridge6:596:546:5320:46111
20DMei Davies/ Dylan Thomas 7:036:556:5120:49212
21DMick Jowers/ Ben Jowers7:037:006:5520:58313
23DDamian Long/ Oliver Marshall7:106:587:0321:11414
7AJames Garner/ Callum Young7:097:027:0121:12615
18DMark Young/ Jo Young7:127:027:0121:15516
24CBen Smith Snr/ Ben Smith Jnr7:047:196:5921:22617
19CIan Holt/ Phil Boyle7:207:057:0121:26718
15BCristian Davies / Ethan Zdrodowski 7:097:356:5821:42119
28CJohn Cartwright/ Richard Armstrong 7:167:097:1921:44820
43CMartin Gibson/ Abigail Summerfield7:237:177:0621:46921
33DGary Yeomans/ Karl Edwards7:317:197:0321:53622
27BTony Davies/ Chris Davies7:267:177:1321:56223
54DMatthew Edwards / Iwan Jones7:227:197:1621:57724
42BLee Clarke/ Micheal Abbott7:347:187:0721:59325
49EXavier Brooke/ Jonathan Cragg7:307:177:1922:06126
36BStephen Johansen/ Colin Stephens7:507:087:0822:06427
16BPaul Murphy/ Harry Stubbs 7:517:037:1922:13528
53CHugh Geraint Jones/ Sion Cunniff7:407:227:1722:191029
25FGareth Roberts/ Ben Forrester 7:307:277:2722:24130
44CIan Gough/ Peter Morgan7:397:307:3022:391131
31DMichael Riley/ Phil Gough7:447:337:2722:44832
39CBob Walker/ Jack Morris7:457:277:3322:451233
22ERichard Kay/ Ryan Witty7:487:267:3222:46234
40DDavid Keith Anglesea/ Christine Pearson7:457:407:4123:06935
45FOwain Hughes / Chris Phillips 7:577:407:3323:10236
38FJon Bray/ Darren Styles7:507:507:4123:21337
32EJordan Oldbury/ Caian Williams8:127:567:4523:53338
46FChris Johnson/ Rob Johnson 8:128:088:0524:25439
26BAndy Stretton/ Ian Harden7:347:399:4524:58640
51CPeter Jones/ Gareth Davies8:308:178:1525:021341
37FAdam Booth/ Skye booth10:277:577:0825:32542
34DJohn Pratt/ Ian Nichols9:018:128:2025:331043
52EGraham Chesters/ Zoe Irvine8:309:038:2325:56444
48CJoe Roberts/ Joseff Rhys9:058:248:3226:011445
29CAdam Holt/ Tony Vart7:086:5812:0026:061546
35DPeter Taylor/ Harriet Worth7:0413:006:5326:571147
12DNeil Matthews/ Daniel Petrie7:377:2412:0027:011248

Times shown like this are notional or penalised

Stage 1
6.20 miles
Stage 2
6.20 miles
Stage 3
6.00 miles

These results became Final on Sunday 2nd March 2025 at 17:35 GMT and were signed by Steve Kenyon (Clerk of the Course) - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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