Posn Stage 1
Wass Moor 1
5.46 miles
Stage 2
Cropton 1
9.00 miles
111 6:041 9:18
21 6:104 9:20
35 6:1210 9:23
44 6:166 9:32
59 6:175 9:40
66 6:1916 9:40
717 6:2018 9:43
810 6:227 9:45
97 6:2517 9:45
1019 6:2515 9:47
1115 6:2622 9:54
1223 6:2819 9:55
132 6:3037 10:00
1418 6:3133 10:02
1536 6:329 10:06
1616 6:3324 10:06
1724 6:4023 10:10
188 6:4220 10:11
1939 6:422 10:14
2040 6:4239 10:18
2112 6:4325 10:25
2225 6:4344 10:25
2320 6:443 10:28
2433 6:458 10:30
2542 6:4828 10:30
2644 6:4830 10:30
2731 6:4931 10:31
2834 6:5121 10:32
2930 6:5541 10:33
3027 6:5642 10:33
3128 6:5827 10:39
3237 7:0012 10:40
3341 7:0029 10:40
3432 7:0247 10:49
3547 7:0438 10:50
3621 7:0643 11:08
3729 7:0626 11:12
383 7:0946 11:13
3946 7:1148 13:13
4043 7:1332 14:20
4138 7:2111 16:44
4226 7:2936 18:00
4348 8:32 
4422 11:00 

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 11th February 2024 at 17:40 GMT and were signed by Alan Hill (Clerk of the Course)

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