Posn Stage 1
5.09 miles
11 5:57
22 6:02
36 6:15
49 6:15
54 6:17
610 6:18
711 6:18
85 6:19
915 6:23
1041 6:25
1118 6:29
1220 6:31
1316 6:32
1457 6:34
1527 6:35
168 6:38
1725 6:38
183 6:39
1924 6:40
2029 6:40
2158 6:40
2219 6:42
237 6:43
2421 6:44
2528 6:45
2649 6:45
2731 6:49
2842 6:49
2914 6:50
3044 6:50
3146 6:50
3233 6:51
3340 6:52
3422 6:57
3534 7:03
3630 7:04
3739 7:09
3845 7:09
3932 7:14
4051 7:17
4126 7:18
4238 7:19
4355 7:25
4453 7:26
4550 7:36
4648 7:42
4756 8:12
4854 8:21
4952 8:49
5037 10:00
5143 10:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 9th April 2023 at 16:25 BST and were signed by Tim Jameson (Clerk of the Course)

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