Car Cls Crew1 Penalty Total Cls
471Dom Mernock/ John Quinlan30:0030:00955
274Anthony Windle/ John Hendley13:0013:001152
543Harry Raylor/ Natasha Raylor9:369:36840
391Joe Oade/ Steve Oade9:299:29336
104Martin Peirson / Alan Ward9:249:24834
144Paul Wild/ Tegan Thornton9:179:17732
201Michael Pickles/ Beverley Warren8:528:52123
162John Tear/ Robert Turton8:428:42219
485Nathan Bolton/ Jason Mctear8:348:34914
601Laura Vortler/ Chris Davies11:0511:051057
262John Deegan/ Pauline Merrills8:348:341256
253Carl Stuttard/ TBC Retired
453Lee Ryan/ Paul Webster Retired

Times shown like this are notional or penalised

Stage 1
6.50 miles

These results became Final on Sunday 11th September 2022 at 17:15 BST and were signed by Ian Beech (Clerk of the Course)

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