Posn Stage 1
Middletown Hill 1
2.34 miles
Stage 2
Middletown Hill 2
2.34 miles
Stage 3
Hafren 1
6.21 miles
11 4:271 8:381 17:01
260 4:3360 8:4571 17:23
371 4:3571 8:47445 18:02
4445 4:36445 8:5260 18:05
518 4:4118 9:13147 18:13
6265 4:50147 9:168 18:16
78 4:51265 9:17265 18:17
8147 4:528 9:1918 18:20
917 4:5417 9:2517 18:54
1031 5:01194 9:48194 19:33
11194 5:01174 9:51188 19:44
12174 5:02188 10:0013 19:45
13188 5:1131 10:0131 19:57
14386 5:2013 10:10174 19:58
15280 5:2290 10:17386 20:27
16281 5:24281 10:1890 20:44
1790 5:25280 10:2173 20:50
1873 5:27386 10:22281 20:50
19424 5:2773 10:28424 21:17
2013 5:33424 10:34444 21:17
21124 5:33124 10:4595 21:18
22444 5:34444 10:4578 21:19
2338 5:3539 10:48124 21:30
2441 5:3778 10:5341 21:35
2539 5:3841 10:54425 21:45
2695 5:38345 10:58423 21:46
27345 5:39435 10:5862 21:47
28435 5:4038 11:01428 22:00
2978 5:4795 11:05426 22:02
3062 5:5262 11:1338 22:07
31425 5:53428 11:17345 22:10
32428 5:53425 11:22435 22:13
3353 5:54423 11:25432 22:22
34434 5:54426 11:3439 22:38
35181 5:57432 11:3484 22:48
36426 5:5984 11:39391 23:22
37423 6:03391 11:43181 23:52
38391 6:04181 11:46200 23:56
3984 6:17434 11:48429 24:05
40432 6:18200 12:21280 24:07
41200 6:26415 12:22415 24:26
42415 6:30429 12:2428 24:40
43429 6:3628 13:04107 25:16
44389 7:00389 13:23247 25:23
45247 7:04321 13:2554 25:53
4677 7:10107 13:29389 25:54
473 7:1377 13:3177 26:01
4828 7:13247 13:32416 26:51
49321 7:163 13:463 27:26
5054 7:1854 14:04434 29:38
51107 7:28416 14:2342 29:55
52416 7:3442 15:3725 31:13
5342 8:0625 16:11321 40:49
5425 8:26  

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 29th May 2022 at 17:40 BST and were signed by Jon Aston (Clerk of the Course) - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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