Posn Stage 1
8.60 miles
15 10:18
27 10:21
341 10:24
46 10:31
533 10:38
69 10:40
729 10:42
813 10:44
914 10:45
1017 10:47
118 10:48
1222 10:53
1319 10:55
1439 10:59
151 11:03
1610 11:10
1740 11:11
1831 11:13
1938 11:14
2026 11:17
2128 11:17
223 11:19
2312 11:19
2432 11:21
2521 11:28
2634 11:28
2716 11:29
2825 11:31
2937 11:31
3063 11:31
3170 11:32
3230 11:37
3344 11:38
3452 11:49
3548 11:51
3662 11:53
3749 11:55
3835 11:56
3943 12:00
4072 12:01
4159 12:02
4236 12:04
4347 12:04
4456 12:07
4545 12:08
4678 12:08
4724 12:10
4820 12:11
4946 12:14
5066 12:15
5167 12:16
5257 12:19
5355 12:21
5423 12:22
5550 12:24
5673 12:30
5754 12:32
5877 12:36
5969 12:38
6027 12:47
6174 13:16
6276 13:22
6351 13:30
6465 13:43
6575 15:28
664 17:00
6760 17:00
6868 17:00
6980 17:00
702 20:22
7158 30:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 1st May 2022 at 16:15 BST and were signed by Derek Lee (Clerk of the Course)

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