Posn Stage 1
8.97 miles
11 8:50
22 9:08
33 9:22
45 9:26
5102 9:28
612 9:29
716 9:30
821 9:30
924 9:32
1025 9:33
1114 9:38
124 9:39
137 9:40
1420 9:40
1510 9:42
1623 10:02
1726 10:03
1830 10:04
1931 10:06
2038 10:06
2128 10:07
2237 10:09
2318 10:15
2439 10:16
2541 10:17
2615 10:22
2735 10:24
28105 10:24
2922 10:25
3040 10:27
3129 10:30
3257 10:34
3347 10:35
3432 10:36
3558 10:36
3636 10:37
3750 10:39
3844 10:44
3946 10:45
4052 10:46
4173 10:48
42103 10:48
4342 10:49
4453 10:51
4561 10:51
4648 10:56
4751 10:56
4868 10:58
4993 11:05
5079 11:06
5174 11:08
5280 11:08
5360 11:10
5449 11:11
5564 11:16
5627 11:18
5754 11:18
5856 11:19
5969 11:22
6078 11:25
6167 11:27
6285 11:27
6363 11:28
6470 11:32
6575 11:34
6689 11:38
6781 11:40
6888 11:41
6982 11:42
7076 11:47
71104 11:50
7262 11:53
7384 11:55
7490 11:57
7577 11:59
7659 12:01
7791 12:03
78106 12:11
7972 12:18
8092 12:22
8195 12:25
8294 12:29
8396 12:43
8487 12:48
8571 13:07
86101 13:07
8797 13:22
8899 13:40
89100 14:21
906 18:22
918 19:00
9233 19:00
9345 19:00
9455 19:00
9565 19:00
9666 19:00
9783 19:00
9886 19:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 5th December 2021 at 17:30 GMT and were signed by Bob Draper (Clerk of the Course)

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