Posn Stage 1
Pinsent Way 1
7.97 miles
Stage 2
Pinsent Way 2
7.97 miles
11 8:231 16:35
210 8:232 16:40
32 8:313 16:44
43 8:317 17:05
57 8:378 17:09
68 8:4224 17:19
76 8:476 17:24
824 8:4912 17:37
920 8:5420 17:38
1016 8:5611 17:47
1122 8:5633 17:48
1211 8:5743 17:57
139 8:5815 18:00
1433 8:5816 18:00
1512 8:5918 18:01
164 9:0123 18:01
1718 9:0534 18:05
1823 9:0635 18:06
1943 9:099 18:07
2034 9:1036 18:08
2136 9:1029 18:13
2235 9:1122 18:14
2315 9:1228 18:16
2428 9:1293 18:16
2529 9:1325 18:17
2632 9:1517 18:20
2793 9:1542 18:20
2825 9:1826 18:21
2917 9:1932 18:21
3042 9:2119 18:29
3126 9:2227 18:31
3231 9:2631 18:41
3347 9:2641 18:54
3427 9:2762 19:06
3519 9:3068 19:12
3639 9:3021 19:14
3741 9:3369 19:21
3862 9:4549 19:24
3930 9:4610 19:35
4068 9:4982 19:36
4149 9:5153 19:37
4221 9:5372 19:47
4369 9:5484 20:00
4482 9:5652 20:02
4553 10:0138 20:03
4638 10:0645 20:05
4770 10:0746 20:07
4866 10:0889 20:21
4971 10:0967 20:25
5072 10:1187 20:25
5184 10:1177 20:31
5252 10:1286 20:37
5345 10:1363 20:41
5489 10:1466 20:55
5546 10:1761 21:08
5677 10:2757 21:11
5786 10:2855 21:14
5867 10:3373 21:17
5987 10:3340 21:32
6057 10:4280 21:32
6161 10:4448 21:46
6263 10:4465 21:50
6355 10:4844 21:54
6456 10:4976 21:58
6565 10:5864 22:10
6648 11:0183 22:37
6773 11:0188 22:39
6880 11:1054 23:19
6976 11:1575 23:26
7081 11:2059 23:32
7164 11:2481 23:34
7274 11:2647 24:16
7385 11:3074 24:17
7488 11:3114 24:56
7579 11:324 24:57
7683 11:4039 25:26
7754 11:4356 26:45
7844 11:5785 27:26
7959 12:1179 27:28
8075 12:1271 40:09
8140 12:195 45:56
8260 12:36 
835 15:56 
8414 15:56 
8537 15:56 

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 29th August 2021 at 18:05 BST and were signed by Miles Whitlock (Clerk of the Course) - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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