Posn Stage 1
7.30 miles
Stage 2
7.30 miles
11 7:331 7:20
28 7:355 7:26
34 7:388 7:26
42 7:404 7:27
53 7:439 7:29
65 7:4326 7:30
79 7:453 7:31
815 7:452 7:32
926 7:4610 7:35
1010 7:506 7:37
1129 7:5019 7:40
126 7:5129 7:40
1325 7:5114 7:41
1414 7:5216 7:41
1519 7:5332 7:41
1612 7:5515 7:42
1732 7:5525 7:44
187 7:567 7:46
1934 7:5955 7:46
2011 8:0034 7:47
2128 8:0028 7:50
2241 8:0211 7:52
2355 8:0812 7:53
2445 8:0943 7:55
2548 8:0930 7:58
2643 8:1036 8:01
2718 8:1142 8:02
2851 8:1241 8:03
2930 8:1320 8:05
3036 8:1365 8:05
3138 8:1348 8:06
3220 8:1751 8:06
3363 8:1831 8:07
3471 8:1847 8:07
3521 8:1971 8:08
3637 8:1953 8:09
3731 8:2063 8:09
3861 8:2066 8:11
3966 8:2057 8:12
4042 8:2221 8:13
4147 8:2345 8:16
4239 8:2456 8:16
4353 8:2573 8:17
4456 8:2538 8:20
4557 8:2944 8:21
4650 8:3252 8:23
4773 8:3372 8:23
4872 8:3535 8:24
4979 8:3750 8:27
5044 8:3877 8:28
5177 8:4154 8:29
5268 8:4669 8:29
5381 8:4779 8:31
5452 8:5037 8:33
5565 8:5368 8:33
5685 8:5739 8:36
5749 9:0049 8:45
5816 9:0281 8:45
5989 9:0689 8:47
6075 9:0976 8:48
6169 9:2688 9:04
6284 9:2685 9:07
6383 9:2875 9:10
6480 9:3183 9:17
6554 9:3486 9:20
6686 9:3480 9:23
6788 9:3584 9:24
6887 10:0587 9:33
6935 15:4018 15:40
7076 15:4033 30:00
7133 30:00 

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 4th July 2021 at 16:55 BST and were signed by Phil Hesketh (Clerk of the Course) - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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