Posn Stage 1
5.80 miles
11 5:07
23 5:11
311 5:17
422 5:19
524 5:19
65 5:20
76 5:20
82 5:22
98 5:24
1020 5:29
1110 5:32
1215 5:33
1331 5:34
1432 5:35
1516 5:36
1651 5:36
1712 5:37
1821 5:41
1923 5:42
2029 5:43
2134 5:43
2241 5:43
2327 5:48
2430 5:51
2519 5:54
2643 5:54
2725 5:58
2833 5:58
2936 5:58
3062 5:58
3140 6:04
3244 6:05
3352 6:09
3439 6:11
3538 6:12
3645 6:13
3747 6:14
3849 6:14
3935 6:16
4042 6:18
4146 6:19
4248 6:20
4360 6:25
4437 6:35
4553 6:49
4657 6:49
4764 6:52
4850 6:57
4956 6:58
5055 7:01
5163 7:06
5259 7:12
5358 7:27
5461 7:39

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 2nd May 2021 at 17:10 BST and were signed by John Hickling (Clerk of the Course)

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