Posn Stage 1
5.20 miles
12 5:59
216 6:00
35 6:09
43 6:17
57 6:18
68 6:18
76 6:19
812 6:23
933 6:23
1042 6:24
1146 6:25
124 6:27
1311 6:27
1415 6:27
1520 6:27
1610 6:28
1726 6:28
1835 6:29
1919 6:30
2031 6:33
2157 6:34
2255 6:37
2321 6:38
2414 6:39
251 6:41
269 6:41
2734 6:42
2836 6:44
2917 6:45
3028 6:45
3144 6:46
3224 6:48
3337 6:48
3443 6:48
3554 6:49
3629 6:50
3747 6:50
3860 6:50
3953 6:51
4056 6:51
4127 6:52
4232 6:52
4325 6:53
4438 6:53
4539 6:57
4658 6:58
4752 7:01
4859 7:04
4923 7:05
5050 7:06
5148 7:07
5265 7:07
5330 7:08
5445 7:08
5551 7:08
5669 7:11
5764 7:16
5861 7:19
5966 7:38
6067 7:43
6162 7:49
6263 7:51
6370 8:24
6468 11:20
6518 13:00
6622 13:00
6771 13:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 17th April 2021 at 18:15 BST and were signed by Kev Smith (Clerk of the Course)

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