Posn Stage 1
6.31 miles
11 5:53
23 6:06
32 6:13
410 6:14
55 6:15
67 6:18
711 6:18
88 6:20
96 6:21
1013 6:22
1112 6:23
1215 6:24
139 6:26
1414 6:28
1525 6:35
1616 6:36
1723 6:39
1819 6:40
1918 6:43
2020 6:43
214 6:44
2217 6:45
2330 6:49
2421 6:50
2529 6:59
2627 7:01
2726 7:03
2832 7:03
2931 7:06
3022 7:07
3134 7:08
3233 7:10
3344 7:12
3424 7:14
3542 7:31
3628 7:32
3740 7:35
3838 7:38
3939 7:38
4035 7:41
4137 7:43
4241 8:13
4343 8:48

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 22nd August 2020 at 16:30 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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