Posn Stage 1
Cropton 1
5.96 miles
11 5:44
24 5:44
32 5:46
45 5:59
521 6:14
69 6:15
716 6:17
86 6:19
98 6:20
1017 6:23
1112 6:26
1215 6:27
1314 6:30
1418 6:31
1513 6:37
1611 6:41
1727 6:42
1823 6:44
1925 6:44
2020 6:45
2126 6:49
2228 6:49
2355 6:50
2439 6:52
2530 6:53
2624 6:56
2731 6:58
2836 6:59
2922 7:00
3035 7:00
3154 7:00
3250 7:03
3319 7:04
3444 7:04
3546 7:06
3647 7:06
3734 7:07
3848 7:07
3956 7:08
4051 7:13
4153 7:14
4252 7:19
4359 7:26
4432 7:29
4549 7:29
4637 7:32
4760 7:33
4843 7:34
4957 7:34
5061 7:35
5164 7:38
5258 7:40
5370 7:41
5466 7:42
5540 7:43
5645 7:54
5762 7:59
5872 8:04
5968 8:12
6069 8:14
6171 8:18
6273 8:21
6310 11:46

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 5th November 2017 at 17:15 GMT - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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