Posn Stage 13
Greve 13
4.54 miles
12 5:42.0
23 5:49.2
37 5:50.5
48 5:52.6
514 5:52.8
66 5:54.0
718 5:58.1
815 5:59.8
923 6:01.5
1010 6:03.5
1111 6:05.4
1213 6:05.5
1320 6:06.5
1417 6:09.8
1522 6:12.7
1640 6:13.3
1727 6:16.6
1816 6:17.7
1933 6:19.4
2042 6:20.4
2129 6:21.0
225 6:21.6
2324 6:24.9
2431 6:24.9
2534 6:27.2
2630 6:29.3
2728 6:31.4
2835 6:33.1
2912 6:34.7
3021 6:36.0
3148 6:37.8
3250 6:40.0
3349 6:40.7
3464 6:42.4
3555 6:43.7
3663 6:46.0
3736 6:46.9
3869 6:50.3
3926 6:51.0
4052 6:55.3
4125 6:57.8
4267 6:57.8
4345 6:59.1
4462 7:02.7
4546 7:04.3
4668 7:04.8
4754 7:05.9
4851 7:06.5
4956 7:14.2
5059 7:16.5
5157 7:20.5
5261 7:21.2
5366 7:23.2
5444 7:23.8
5570 7:23.9
5660 7:34.3
5775 7:43.9

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 14th October 2017 at 17:57 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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