Posn Stage 7
Trinity 7
3.93 miles
12 36:30.4
24 37:14.3
36 38:19.4
410 38:23.7
58 38:27.7
611 38:41.7
720 38:51.2
827 38:58.1
918 38:58.8
1013 39:19.8
1114 39:28.8
1217 39:33.2
137 39:34.0
1415 39:37.7
1558 40:23.9
1633 40:24.1
1731 40:24.8
1823 40:30.7
1932 40:37.5
2030 40:50.0
2126 41:04.0
2240 41:05.0
2350 41:09.8
2434 41:19.4
2536 41:23.6
2649 41:39.7
2738 41:46.7
2841 41:53.6
2921 42:03.2
3012 42:14.0
3155 42:17.6
3235 42:21.3
3343 42:21.4
3442 42:27.0
3553 42:39.9
3660 42:49.1
3768 43:11.6
3859 43:14.5
3925 43:37.9
4064 43:42.9
4152 43:44.5
4263 43:53.5
433 43:54.8
4451 43:55.4
4554 43:56.7
4669 43:57.0
4746 44:24.6
4866 44:35.3
4944 45:07.4
5065 45:09.5
5161 45:53.4
5245 46:19.4
5356 47:02.4
5457 47:35.6
5529 47:56.6
5670 48:39.7
5775 53:29.6

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 14th October 2017 at 17:57 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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