Posn Test 1
Thorpe 1
0.91 miles
14 2:25
23 2:26
38 2:30
438 2:32
511 2:35
612 2:38
71 2:39
85 2:39
910 2:39
1014 2:39
1137 2:39
1219 2:41
1324 2:42
146 2:43
1521 2:44
167 2:45
1723 2:45
1842 2:45
1915 2:48
2020 2:48
2116 2:49
2225 2:49
2343 2:50
2434 2:55
2535 2:55
2631 2:56
2727 2:58
2840 2:58
292 3:00
309 3:04
3126 3:05
3218 3:07
3322 3:09
3436 3:11
3528 3:12
3629 3:13
3732 3:14
3841 3:17
3933 3:27
4030 3:28
4113 3:38
4239 3:38

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 22nd October 2016 at 15:20 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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