Posn Stage 23
Trinity 23
4.66 miles
14 6:03.0
25 6:05.0
33 6:06.3
42 6:10.0
59 6:11.1
615 6:11.9
722 6:12.7
818 6:17.8
912 6:21.5
107 6:22.1
1111 6:22.7
128 6:24.8
1343 6:25.7
1429 6:34.8
1541 6:36.4
1642 6:39.2
1725 6:43.7
1867 6:46.7
1973 6:53.5
2033 6:58.6
2157 7:02.0
2260 7:02.7
2359 7:06.5
2472 7:09.3
2548 7:09.4
2666 7:09.8
2750 7:10.1
2863 7:11.5
2958 7:24.4
3062 7:40.0
3152 7:48.6
3256 7:55.2
3336 8:04.8
3438 8:04.8
3549 8:04.8
3670 8:04.8

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 10th October 2015 at 17:45 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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