Posn Stage 23
Trinity 23
4.66 miles
12 2:00:10.9
24 2:02:36.6
35 2:04:56.2
49 2:06:31.1
518 2:06:34.9
611 2:07:25.2
77 2:08:16.4
822 2:08:34.7
912 2:09:08.2
103 2:09:31.4
118 2:10:25.4
1243 2:13:52.5
1315 2:14:06.3
1429 2:15:23.7
1541 2:16:09.4
1642 2:16:13.0
1725 2:16:39.7
1857 2:19:05.1
1938 2:19:19.5
2063 2:19:41.9
2167 2:19:56.0
2249 2:21:48.9
2373 2:24:03.4
2448 2:24:22.9
2559 2:25:53.0
2633 2:26:06.5
2760 2:30:25.8
2858 2:30:45.4
2972 2:31:43.2
3050 2:31:46.6
3166 2:32:29.3
3262 2:36:16.2
3356 2:39:06.3
3452 2:40:29.4
3536 2:53:18.1
3670 2:54:40.6

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 10th October 2015 at 17:45 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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