Posn Stage 1
7.08 miles
119 6:47
24 6:48
36 6:51
42 6:54
512 7:00
615 7:01
79 7:02
810 7:03
97 7:05
103 7:06
115 7:06
1214 7:06
1316 7:11
1417 7:11
151 7:12
168 7:18
1718 7:19
1829 7:22
1921 7:25
2011 7:26
2127 7:27
2246 7:28
2331 7:30
2432 7:30
2520 7:35
2645 7:39
2734 7:42
2835 7:46
2941 7:47
3049 7:49
3133 7:50
3230 7:52
3324 7:55
3442 7:55
3528 8:02
3648 8:06
3759 8:06
3858 8:08
3947 8:11
4051 8:15
4152 8:16
4250 8:30
4354 8:42
4453 8:44
4544 8:47
4656 9:35
4755 9:58
4857 10:26
4926 10:54
5037 10:54
5138 10:54

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 16th August 2015 at 17:35 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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