Posn Stage 1
7.50 miles
12 7:24
29 7:33
33 7:37
418 7:37
51 7:38
68 7:38
724 7:39
87 7:40
916 7:40
1019 7:41
1128 7:52
1217 7:54
1323 7:55
1422 7:56
154 7:59
1620 7:59
176 8:06
1812 8:07
1914 8:07
2010 8:09
2115 8:09
2229 8:10
2331 8:12
2433 8:18
2521 8:19
2630 8:23
2726 8:24
2842 8:26
2944 8:27
3062 8:29
3140 8:30
3236 8:31
3337 8:31
3443 8:33
3554 8:34
3635 8:39
3748 8:39
3839 8:41
3945 8:42
4034 8:47
4138 8:51
4257 8:51
4347 8:58
4456 8:59
4527 9:00
4650 9:05
4746 9:07
4858 9:21
4949 9:26
5052 9:26
5155 9:26
5241 9:29
5353 9:30
5464 9:37
5551 9:41
565 10:03
5763 10:03
5860 10:29
5959 10:40
6061 11:34
6125 16:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 2nd August 2015 at 18:30 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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