Posn Stage 1
5.00 miles
12 6:05
23 6:05
31 6:08
49 6:13
55 6:14
67 6:16
718 6:16
814 6:20
98 6:23
1015 6:24
1110 6:25
1219 6:27
1311 6:31
144 6:34
1543 6:36
1647 6:37
1712 6:45
1816 6:47
1925 6:50
2029 6:57
2117 6:58
2227 6:58
2331 6:59
2439 7:01
2526 7:03
2622 7:04
2738 7:07
2828 7:09
2940 7:09
3023 7:10
3133 7:15
3236 7:20
3330 7:32
3432 7:32
3524 7:49
3646 7:50
3734 7:52
3841 7:56
3945 8:24
4044 8:33

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 5th October 2014 at 16:34 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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