Posn Stage 9
Waterworks 9
5.36 miles
12 32:49.5
23 33:18.8
31 33:30.3
460 35:53.5
513 36:08.1
618 36:08.8
735 36:09.9
85 36:11.0
917 36:15.1
1016 36:22.3
1114 36:30.8
1230 36:34.0
1319 36:40.6
1421 36:40.6
1539 36:42.0
1611 36:57.6
179 37:01.7
1837 37:03.4
1924 37:07.9
2023 37:39.1
2147 37:52.7
2226 37:54.4
2349 37:57.1
2420 38:02.3
2532 38:05.3
2633 38:14.4
2729 38:14.8
2843 38:39.5
2957 38:39.6
3051 38:42.0
3145 38:43.3
3225 38:48.0
3341 38:54.2
3448 38:57.3
3528 38:58.2
3646 39:09.0
3767 39:09.1
3831 39:10.7
3942 39:27.5
4038 39:44.8
4150 39:47.6
4264 39:51.4
4369 40:11.5
4455 40:17.3
4544 40:18.1
4662 40:18.3
4754 40:36.4
4872 40:36.9
4958 40:38.6
5080 40:49.3
5168 40:58.5
5252 41:28.7
5361 42:00.0
5465 42:20.1
5553 42:40.0
5673 43:01.1
5771 44:12.0
5866 45:15.1
5978 45:26.1
6076 45:53.5
6163 45:57.8
6279 46:24.3

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 9th October 2010 at 18:46 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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