Posn Stage 1
Haybergill 1
9.50 miles
11 9:52
24 10:21
37 10:24
410 10:31
516 10:33
611 10:35
790 10:43
821 10:47
918 10:50
109 10:51
1159 10:51
1213 10:53
1314 10:55
1440 10:55
1528 10:56
1629 10:56
1737 10:57
1841 10:59
1922 11:00
2066 11:02
212 11:03
2234 11:03
2348 11:03
2453 11:04
2544 11:06
2646 11:06
2724 11:08
2831 11:10
2942 11:10
3056 11:10
3189 11:11
3225 11:12
3319 11:19
3438 11:20
3530 11:22
365 11:23
3726 11:24
3833 11:26
3945 11:26
4049 11:26
4191 11:28
428 11:29
4332 11:29
4467 11:37
4552 11:38
4651 11:39
4788 11:41
4870 11:45
4960 11:47
5027 11:52
5112 11:53
5268 11:53
5315 11:54
5487 11:56
5565 11:57
5654 12:05
5761 12:07
5862 12:07
5964 12:07
603 12:08
6136 12:12
6277 12:13
6385 12:15
6480 12:22
6572 12:23
6686 12:24
6755 12:26
6874 12:29
6979 12:29
7071 12:45
7157 12:49
7281 13:10
7384 13:14
7478 13:41

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 29th August 2010 at 19:18 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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