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These Competitors have only reached SSF 9/TC 17 SERVICE IN
2DOliver Davies/ Jack BowenFord Escort Mk224:0311
1DLee Edwards / Ben CrumpFord G324:1722+0:14+0:14
5DDai Dot Davies/ Steve PughDarrian GTR24:4233+0:39+0:25
3DGary Thomas/ Christopher WaltonFord Escort24:5344+0:50+0:11
4DSteve North/ Ian JonesFord Escort Mk225:1055+1:07+0:17
7EWayne Larbalestier/ Matt EndeanMitsubishi Evo III RS25:2516+1:22+0:15
9DDave Roberts/ Jonathon KennedyFord Mk2 Escort25:3267+1:29+0:07
21CJoshua Moss/ Phil TuckerFord Escort26:0718+2:04+0:35
15CDave Hopwood / Sam KelterFord Escort MK226:0829+2:05+0:01
20CMike Simpson/ Sam WellerEscort Mk226:13310+2:10+0:05
19DLuke Thomas / Ben RuffFord Mk226:19711+2:16+0:06
12BAndy Corner / Ade CampFord Fiesta R2OO26:21112+2:18+0:02
16DPhilip Burton/ Dylan ThomasFord Escort26:25813+2:22+0:04
6DGareth Richards/ Liam EvansDarrian T9026:31914+2:28+0:06
32CAlister Wait/ Kevin MacIverFord Escort26:40415+2:37+0:09
54CIlan Pritchard/ Emyr HallFord Escort Escort26:44516+2:41+0:04
23DRoger Taylor/ Paul BevanFord Escort Mk II26:501017+2:47+0:06
14BStephen Pritchard / Emma ClarkeVauxhall Nova27:04218+3:01+0:14
30BChris Phillips / Sarah Hughes Peugeot 106 Gti27:05319+3:02+0:01
13ATom Bishop/ Tom AleksandrowiczVauxhall Nova27:10120+3:07+0:05
51CStephen Amery/ Martin Lee AmeryFord MK2 Escort 27:18621+3:15+0:08
59AJames Durkin/ James McGough Proton Satria 27:24222+3:21+0:06
33DJonathan Davies/ Peter FletcherDarrian T927:251123+3:22+0:01
74AAndrew Foster/ Chloe PercivalVauxhall Corsa27:27324+3:24+0:02
25CGlyn Cartwright/ Adam WilksFord Escort Mk227:29725+3:26+0:02
11CDean Baker/ Adrian BakerFord Escort27:32826+3:29+0:03
27CBeau Thomas/ Matt ReesFord Escort27:32927+3:29
29AAndrew Jordan/ Ian JordanVauxhall Nova27:40428+3:37+0:08
31BMarcus Ridley/ Antony KnightCitroen C2 R227:43429+3:40+0:03
37CDavid Fox/ Vicki PriceMG ZR27:491030+3:46+0:06
45CPhil Skipp/ Russell JosephFord Escort27:591131+3:56+0:10
26CGraeme Wood/ Matthew BaddeleyFord Escort Mk228:031232+4:00+0:04
61BOliver Wright/ Sam MasonPeugeot 10628:04533+4:01+0:01
39BSimon Evans/ Ellie Evans Peugeot 10628:05634+4:02+0:01
36DSimon Verstraeten / Paul Whittington Talbot Sunbeam 28:211235+4:18+0:16
28EDavid Bonning/ Alex YoungFord Escort RS Cosworth28:33236+4:30+0:12
43BMichael Jones/ Phillip JonesPeugeot 20528:36737+4:33+0:03
41BDan Wright/ Andrew LawsonFord Fiesta28:57838+4:54+0:21
75ADave Teasdale / Bob FosterVauxhall Corsa29:08539+5:05+0:11
72BJon Crook/ James CrookSuzuki Swift29:10940+5:07+0:02
42BThomas Adams/ Yvonne WaltonPeugeot 205 XS29:121041+5:09+0:02
49CTom Naylor/ James SummersFord Fiesta ST15029:221342+5:19+0:10
35DIan Thomas/ Gerald WilbyAustin Healey 3000 Mill29:231343+5:20+0:01
24CCraig Lee Pendry/ Fred HarrisFord Escort 29:381444+5:35+0:15
69CRhys Morgan/ Peredur DaviesFord Escort29:381545+5:35
40ARyan Wilding / Will Carlyle Vauxhall Nova29:58646+5:55+0:20
46DGraham Thatcher/ Timothy SamuelTriumph T7 V829:581447+5:55
56BEndaf Makepeace/ Graham DaviesFord Escort mk230:041148+6:01+0:06
47EChris Hetherington/ Lucy RobertsSubaru Impreza30:27349+6:24+0:23
78CCraig Durose/ Jake SimmsFord Escort30:471650+6:44+0:20
58BMichele Petrie/ Val ThompsonPeugeot 10631:171251+7:14+0:30
67CJonathan Griffiths/ Robert GriffithsToyota Corolla T-sport31:221752+7:19+0:05
55BTerry Watkins/ Chris WilliamsFord Escort Mk1 Mexico 31:351353+7:32+0:13
65ERoss Clements/ Christopher LearFord Sierra XR4x431:57454+7:54+0:22
62BAlan Lister/ Jemma TaylorPeugeot 106 Rallye32:161455+8:13+0:19
66DBill Douglas/ Dave TearlVolvo 24432:511556+8:48+0:35
71BPaul Clifton/ Josh JonesFord Mk2 Escort32:581557+8:55+0:07
60BDavid Mills/ Matthew MillsPeugeot XS34:351658+10:32+1:37
38AAdam Booth/ Daniel GrangerVauxhall Corsa55:18759+31:15+20:43
57AOwain Thomas/ Adam BarnettPeugeot 106 Rallye56:45860+32:42+1:27
53BDavid Ginn / Robert Ginn Hillman Avenger 57:201761+33:17+0:35
73AJoseph Annison/ Mark AnnisonMG ZR57:37962+33:34+0:17
76BBrendan Leonard/ Colin TreebySuzuki Swift59:201863+35:17+1:43
68CKevin Butler/ Mathew JonesPeugeot 205 GTI1:24:491864+1:00:46+25:29

These results became Final on Sunday 16th March 2025 at 18:00 GMT and were signed by Dan Lister (Clerk of the Course) - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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