Car Cls Crew Car Total
Diff from
Diff from
car ahead
43Tom Todd/ Christopher BeerDarrian T90 GTR+46:3911
101Rob Morris/ Rhys GriffinFord Fiesta R548:2412+1:45+1:45
85, 6Russell Davies/ Richard SuterDarrian T90 GTR+48:3413+1:55+0:10
115, 6Jamie Mcbain/ Jordine CrooksPeugeot 205 Maxi48:3724+1:58+0:03
73Ian Barclay / Sue PlaterDarrian GTR49:1025+2:31+0:33
175, 6Tim Alderson/ G.Luisford Escort50:3236+3:53+1:22
143Nigel brain/ Catherine brainMazda Mx551:4337+5:04+1:11
153kevin rault/ kaden raultFORD ESCORT MK 251:5548+5:16+0:12
397, 8David attiwell/ Jack webberVauxhall Nova51:5519+5:16
185, 6Andrew Wishart/ Archie WishartFord Escort Mk252:04410+5:25+0:09
277, 8Antony Elkes/ Alex LewisOpel Corsa S160052:06211+5:27+0:02
365, 6Tom Clarke/ Chris ChapmanRenault Clio 172 Cup52:08512+5:29+0:02
165, 6Shaun king / Ian BensonFord Escort52:18613+5:39+0:10
745, 6Harry Torpy/ James Renouf Ford Fiesta ST15052:44714+6:05+0:26
443Harry Raylor / Kieran ledgerBMW E4653:06515+6:27+0:22
315, 6Rob Channing/ Darren HardyVauxhall Chevette53:27816+6:48+0:21
223Simon Marcel Edward verstraeten / Paul Whittington Talbot Subeam53:28617+6:49+0:01
257, 8Paul Garraway / James ProwtingTalbot Sunbeam 16Ti53:33318+6:54+0:05
402, 4Thomas White/ Michael MilnerSubaru Impreza53:35119+6:56+0:02
525, 6Tom Eckett/ Olly Wilkinson Bmw 318ti53:42920+7:03+0:07
417, 8David Ley/ Josh BakerPeugeot 20553:47421+7:08+0:05
585, 6Kevin Ambrose/ Daryl AmbroseVaushall Chevette54:081022+7:29+0:21
489Alex Roscoe/ Stephen RoscoeNissan Micra54:40123+8:01+0:32
335, 6Mike Dixon/ Mikey DixonFord Mk1 Escort54:441124+8:05+0:04
755, 6Freddie Death/ Neil ColmanRenault Clio54:511225+8:12+0:07
725, 6Gordon Higgins/ Paul BakerFord Mk 2 escort55:561326+9:17+1:05
305, 6Dave moore/ Chris cumingsFord Escort56:001427+9:21+0:04
465, 6Mr Thomas Pearce/ Mr Adam S MaleBMW 318 Ti Compact56:101528+9:31+0:10
323John Franklin-Pryce/ Alfie Elementbmw Compact56:31729+9:52+0:21
659Heidi Peck/ Andy TomlinsonFord Fiesta57:07230+10:28+0:36
215, 6Ross Baudains/ Drew JonesBMW E3057:141631+10:35+0:07
543Pete Wilkins/ Caroline BramptonBMW M357:27832+10:48+0:13
625, 6Rod Clark/ Nicki ClarkMazda MX558:301733+11:51+1:03
6412, 13Suze Rogers/ Gavin RogersNissan Micra59:13134+12:34+0:43
355, 6Andy Reid/ Alex ReidPeugeot 205 MAXI59:391835+13:00+0:26
785, 6Stuart Hook / Aaron brimblecombe Peugeot 20559:461936+13:07+0:07
425, 6Daniel Lawson/ Russell CatonMK1 Ford Escort1:00:202037+13:41+0:34
453John Mills / Sharon MillsBMW Mini R531:00:52938+14:13+0:32
717, 8Michael Smith/ Archie Christopher Talbot Sunbeam 16001:01:03539+14:24+0:11
775, 6Peter Depla/ Martin BristowVolkswagen Golf Mk41:01:422140+15:03+0:39
492, 4Dave Barbara/ Kristian DaviesAlfa Romeo 33 P41:02:58241+16:19+1:16
633Glenn Godfrey/ Ashyanna BallBMW 325ti1:03:041042+16:25+0:06
702, 4Callum Tyrrell/ Tyler ColderleyLand Rover Defender1:03:17343+16:38+0:13
235, 6Paul Cassettari/ Thomas HorstFord escort mk21:05:272244+18:48+2:10
797, 8Sean Blackmore / john flippancecitroen c21:05:35645+18:56+0:08
577, 8David Thornhill/ Kevin Barnes Peugeot 1061:06:43746+20:04+1:08
387, 8Christopher Penney / Jude Penney Citroen C2 S16001:07:15847+20:36+0:32
682, 4Josephine Harris / Stanley RichardsonLand Rover Defender 1:07:37448+20:58+0:22
732, 4Ashley Wilcock/ George BensonLandrover Defender1:08:38549+21:59+1:01
699Sarah Gates/ Martin GatesVauxhall Corsa 1:13:44350+27:05+5:06
763Jason jones/ Simon le rougetel BMW 330 compact1:22:561151+36:17+9:12
613Joshua TORPY/ matthew godfreybmw 1series1:24:321252+37:53+1:36
662, 4Jack bean/ Patrick AmeyLandrover Defender wolf XD1:31:12653+44:33+6:40

These results became Final on Sunday 2nd March 2025 at 16:00 GMT and were signed by Phil Muspratt (Clerk of the Course)

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