Award No Crew Car
1st Overall4Tom Todd / Christopher BeerDarrian T90 GTR+
2nd Overall10Rob Morris / Rhys GriffinFord Fiesta R5
3rd Overall8Russell Davies / Richard SuterDarrian T90 GTR+
1st Class ANo eligible finishers
2nd Class ANo eligible finishers
3rd Class ANo eligible finishers
1st Class B40Thomas White / Michael MilnerSubaru Impreza
2nd Class B49Dave Barbara / Kristian DaviesAlfa Romeo 33 P4
3rd Class B70Callum Tyrrell / Tyler ColderleyLand Rover Defender
1st Class C7Ian Barclay / Sue PlaterDarrian GTR
2nd Class C14Nigel brain / Catherine brainMazda Mx5
3rd Class C15kevin rault / kaden raultFORD ESCORT MK 2
1st Class D11Jamie Mcbain / Jordine CrooksPeugeot 205 Maxi
2nd Class D17Tim Alderson / G.Luisford Escort
3rd Class D36Tom Clarke / Chris ChapmanRenault Clio 172 Cup
1st Class E39David attiwell / Jack webberVauxhall Nova
2nd Class E27Antony Elkes / Alex LewisOpel Corsa S1600
3rd Class E25Paul Garraway / James ProwtingTalbot Sunbeam 16Ti
1st Class F48Alex Roscoe / Stephen RoscoeNissan Micra
2nd Class F65Heidi Peck / Andy TomlinsonFord Fiesta
3rd Class F69Sarah Gates / Martin GatesVauxhall Corsa
1st Class GNo eligible finishers
2nd Class GNo eligible finishers
3rd Class GNo eligible finishers
1st Class H64Suze Rogers / Gavin RogersNissan Micra
2nd Class HNo eligible finishers
3rd Class HNo eligible finishers
Best Channel Island Crew74Harry Torpy / James Renouf Ford Fiesta ST150
Best Armed Forces Crew68Josephine Harris / Stanley RichardsonLand Rover Defender
Best BDCC Crew16Shaun king / Ian BensonFord Escort

These results became Final on Sunday 2nd March 2025 at 16:00 GMT and were signed by Phil Muspratt (Clerk of the Course)

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