Car Cls Crew Penalty Total Cls
Class 1
11Damian Cole/ Daniel morefield 11
21Darrell taylor / Charlotte McGlashan22
101Rob Morris/ Rhys Griffin39
121Dean Grimes/ Mark Admans411
Class 12, 13
6412, 13Suze Rogers/ Gavin Rogers161
Class 2, 4
292, 4John fordy/ Martin Corbett127
402, 4Thomas White/ Michael Milner238
492, 4Dave Barbara/ Kristian Davies347
602, 4Grant Collins/ Ryan Cummins457
662, 4Jack bean/ Patrick Amey563
682, 4Josephine Harris / Stanley Richardson665
702, 4Callum Tyrrell/ Tyler Colderley767
732, 4Ashley Wilcock/ George Benson870
Class 3
33Josh Payton/ Jamie Vaughan13
43Tom Todd/ Christopher Beer24
53Geoff Bennett/ Tim Chapman35
73Ian Barclay / Sue Plater47
143Nigel brain/ Catherine brain512
153kevin rault/ kaden rault613
223Simon Marcel Edward verstraeten / Paul Whittington 720
263Brian Watts/ mike hewson824
323John Franklin-Pryce/ Alfie Element930
433Graham Thatcher/ Tim Samuel1041
443Harry Raylor / Kieran ledger1142
453John Mills / Sharon Mills1243
503Jon Fox/ Jane Fox1348
543Pete Wilkins/ Caroline Brampton1451
613Joshua TORPY/ matthew godfrey1558
633Glenn Godfrey/ Ashyanna Ball1660
673Cheryl spencer / Barry Spencer 1764
763Jason jones/ Simon le rougetel 1873
Class 5, 6
65, 6Andrew Phillips / Kelan Watkins16
85, 6Russell Davies/ Richard Suter28
115, 6Jamie Mcbain/ Jordine Crooks310
165, 6Shaun king / Ian Benson414
175, 6Tim Alderson/ G.Luis515
185, 6Andrew Wishart/ Archie Wishart616
205, 6Matthew Rowland/ Simon May718
215, 6Ross Baudains/ Drew Jones819
235, 6Paul Cassettari/ Thomas Horst921
305, 6Dave moore/ Chris cumings1028
315, 6Rob Channing/ Darren Hardy1129
335, 6Mike Dixon/ Mikey Dixon1231
345, 6Tom Bretherton/ Lee Bretherton 1332
355, 6Andy Reid/ Alex Reid1433
365, 6Tom Clarke/ Chris Chapman1534
425, 6Daniel Lawson/ Russell Caton1640
465, 6Mr Thomas Pearce/ Mr Adam S Male1744
475, 6mark galvin/ lee morley1845
515, 6Ian Broadfoot/ David Rowley1949
525, 6Tom Eckett/ Olly Wilkinson 2050
585, 6Kevin Ambrose/ Daryl Ambrose2155
595, 6David Hockaday/ Steve Frost2256
625, 6Rod Clark/ Nicki Clark2359
725, 6Gordon Higgins/ Paul Baker2469
745, 6Harry Torpy/ James Renouf 2571
755, 6Freddie Death/ Neil Colman2672
775, 6Peter Depla/ Martin Bristow2774
785, 6Stuart Hook / Aaron brimblecombe 2875
Class 7, 8
197, 8Paul debono/ Paul Rumary117
247, 8Neville Hudd/ Sam Hudd222
257, 8Paul Garraway / James Prowting323
277, 8Antony Elkes/ Alex Lewis425
287, 8Martin Dover / Mitchell stanfield526
377, 8Matt Arnold / Richard Arnold 635
387, 8Christopher Penney / Jude Penney 736
397, 8David attiwell/ Jack webber837
417, 8David Ley/ Josh Baker939
557, 8Ashley Aslett/ Rob Aslett1052
577, 8David Thornhill/ Kevin Barnes 1154
717, 8Michael Smith/ Archie Christopher 1268
797, 8Sean Blackmore / john flippance1376
Class 9
489Alex Roscoe/ Stephen Roscoe146
569Harry Nicholls / Adam Quinn253
659Heidi Peck/ Andy Tomlinson362
699Sarah Gates/ Martin Gates466

Times shown like this are notional or penalised

These results became Final on Sunday 2nd March 2025 at 16:00 GMT and were signed by Phil Muspratt (Clerk of the Course)

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