Posn Stage 1
7.50 miles
Stage 2
7.50 miles
181 11:1681 22:29
282 11:2882 22:49
386 11:3786 23:05
487 11:4987 23:26
583 11:5483 23:29
692 11:5592 23:35
789 12:1093 23:52
884 12:1384 24:06
993 12:1689 24:18
1094 12:4885 24:44
1190 12:5294 25:00
1285 12:5390 25:01
1395 13:0395 25:21
1491 14:2788 27:30
1588 15:0091 28:18

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 8th February 2025 at 18:15 GMT and were signed by Clive Grounds (Clerk of the Course)

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