Posn Stage 1
4.75 miles
Stage 2
4.75 miles
Stage 3
5.80 miles
161 7:5161 15:2961 23:47
262 7:5862 15:3562 23:58
365 8:0665 15:4965 24:15
463 8:1068 15:5768 24:28
566 8:1366 16:0066 24:36
667 8:1564 16:1063 25:01
768 8:1567 16:1367 25:03
864 8:1863 16:2469 25:17
969 8:2669 16:3070 26:03
1070 8:4470 16:5572 27:06
1172 8:4772 17:4373 30:08
1273 9:3073 18:08 

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 4th August 2024 at 18:10 BST and were signed by Steven Kenyon (Clerk of the Course) - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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