Car Cls CrewMTC0NTC1 Route
Total Cls
1EJon Bossen/ Jonathon Webb11
2EDavid Iwan Jones / Sam Collis22
4EKris Coombes/ Samuel Spencer33
5ESimon Cottrell / James Chaplin 44
6EClint Eade/ Tom Murphy55
7EAdrian Green/ Ian Gibbins 66
8EShaun Bee/ Simon Bentley 77
9SERob Chalmers/ Chris Bebbington18
11ECraig Burgess/ John Pickavance89
12EJason Birks/ Noel Murphy910
13ETom Fenton/ John Harper1011
14EWayne Langthorne/ Richard Cheetham1112
15ERichard Oxley/ Phil Savage1213
16EWill Banks/ Shaun Hughes1314
17EStephen Holmes/ Andrew Millington1415
18NSimon Randall/ Stuart Baird116
19EChris Farrell / Kevin Bardon 1517
20ERichard Henman/ Ashley Young1618
22EDennis Cooke/ Phil Prosser1719
23SEJon Atherton/ Bob Duck220
24EJonathan Stimpson/ Ian Graham1821
25SEPaul Turton/ John Turton322
26SERyan Tubman/ David Tubman423
27SEMichael Pedley/ John Taylor524
28SEGeoff Bateman/ Barry Allman625
29SEJake Simms/ Jack Slatcher726
30NMichael Pears/ Richard Johnson227
31NMartin Payne/ Josh Brown328
32NJohn Stephens/ Paul Stephens429
33NStephen Amery/ Kevin Booth530
34NDavid James Green/ Sam Kelter631
35NJames Wilkinson / Daniel Tribe732
36NToby Marshall/ Paul Marshall833
37NAllan Norton/ Paul Williamson934
38NRhys Yates / Jon Green 1035
21EChris Way/ Robert Bryn (chicken) Jones  1936

Times shown like this are notional or penalised and numbers like this are the position on that Test.

These results became Final on Sunday 18th February 2024 at 18:05 GMT and were signed by Guy Robinson (Clerk of the Course)

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