Car Cls Crew Penalty Total Cls
Class 1
241Pete Gorst/ Mark Twiname122
381Dom Mernock/ John Quinlan234
391Paddy Homan/ Tom Homan335
611Roger Nevitt/ Ben Wild456
641Luke Constantine/ Tom Constantine559
651Rob Foster/ Andrew Foster660
691Chris Rock/ Phil Rock764
Class 2
82Mat Smith / Derek Cornforth 18
182Ben Cree/ Robert Wiggins216
562Jake Wilson/ Adrian Wilson352
622Chris Watts/ Benjamin Watts457
Class 3
63Ash Slights/ Dave Robson16
73Nick Cook/ Nigel Hutchinson27
103Tony Williams/ Pete Williams310
193George Hewick/ Mick Johnson 417
203Steve Magson/ Steve Bielby518
293Colin Blunt/ Mark Blunt625
313Stephen Benton/ Kyle Diffin727
323John Hepworth/ Dave Boyes828
353Graham Haigh/ Kari Bates931
463Geoff Henman / Ash Young1042
473Christopher Langthorne/ Wayne Langthorne1143
513Alex Steele/ Paul Godden1247
543Mike Stainthorpe/ Martin Cockerill 1350
603Paul Turton/ John Turton1455
633Stuart Bell/ Joe Bell1558
663Jonathan Haynes / Oliver Foster1661
683Darren Kelter/ Sam Kelter1763
703Kevin Downes/ Paul Hudson1865
Class 4
224Martyn Hawkswell/ Ben Cohen120
344Ian Jemison / Dean Kellett230
414Philip Rowland/ Philip Woodcock337
424Glyn Lyons / Joe Pattison 438
494Mark Jones/ Mick Munday545
524Martin Peirson / Alan Ward648
574Andrew Watson/ Emma Cooper753
284Peter Outram/ Jemma West894
Class 5
1015Elliot Payne/ Jack Morton168
1035Neil Roskell / Andrew Roughead270
1045Andrew Purcell/ Martin Brady371
1075Eddie Lewis/ Sion Cunniff472
1085Joe Cunningham/ Josh Beer573
1095Alan Carmichael / Bonnie Papper674
1105John Bannister / Emma Clarke775
1115Kevin Procter / Patrick Walsh876
1125Phil Pickard / Simon Pickard 977
1135Gary Cooper / Jon Riley 1078
1145Alexander Vassallo/ Chris Lees1179
1155David Welch/ Andy Smith1280
1165Scott Renshaw/ Terry Wilson 1381
1175Trevor Gamble/ Phil Kenny1482
1185Steve Pawson / Liam Whiteley1583
1195Tommy Graham/ Mark Pickering 1684
1205Darren Martin/ Daniel Hurst1785
1215Liam Clark/ Emily Easton-Page1886
1225Paul Gould / Kevin Gould 1987
1235Andy Rowe/ Cat Lund2088
1245Craig McIntosh/ David Jackson2189
1255Pete Barnett/ Jim O'Kelleher2290
1265Ian Ring/ Paul Vasey2391
1275Philip Megginson/ Paul Turner2492
1295Christina Robinson/ Kim Gray2593
Class H1
40H1Matt Bown / Tom Murphy 136
50H1Paul Rawson/ Mike Curry246
55H1Kurt Hodgson / Sam Campbell351
71H1Geoff Taylor/ Steve Greenhill466
Class H2
1H2Matthew Robinson / Sam Collis11
2H2Steve Bannister/ Callum Atkinson22
3H2Paul Thompson / Josh Davison 33
4H2David Brown / Richard Wardle44
5H2Seb Perez/ Gary McElhinney55
9H2Chris Skill/ Brian Hodgson69
11H2Michael McDaid/ Harry Stubbs711
12H2Tim Pearcey/ Ian Jones812
15H2Nick Kitching / Andrew Trollope913
16H2Ken Sturdy/ Glyn Thomas1014
17H2Andrew Robinson / Kevin Wilson 1115
21H2Dave Forrest/ Jamie Forrest1219
23H2Andrew Siddall/ Paul Spooner1321
25H2Dave Lucking/ Amelia Lucking1423
26H2Benjamin Smith/ Steven Smith1524
30H2Steve Ward/ Phillip Sandham1626
33H2Stewart Scott/ Glyn Casey1729
36H2Ian Hildreth/ Sarah Wetton1832
37H2Tim Metcalfe/ Stephen McAuley1933
43H2Sam Lucking/ Olly Lucking2039
44H2Paul Mathewson/ Ian Bass2140
45H2Terry Cree/ Richard Shores2241
48H2Phil Thompson / Tom Hughes2344
53H2Nick Welch/ Ben Welch2449
58H2Jack Mathewson/ Miles Cartwright2554
67H2Ben Stockdale/ Josh Carr 2662
72H2Barry McKenna/ Arthur Kierans2767
102H2George Lepley/ Dale Bowen 2869

Times shown like this are notional or penalised and numbers like this are the position on that Stage.

These results became Final on Sunday 5th November 2023 at 17:15 GMT and were signed by Chris Woodcock (Clerk of the Course)

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