Car Cls CrewTotal
Leg 1
Penalty Total Cls
21John MacCrone/ Dai Roberts14:24.614:24.611
11Daniel Harper/ Chris Campbell14:43.814:43.822
71Fergus Barlow/ Craig Barlow15:07.915:07.933
31Neil Roskell/ Andrew Roughead 15:22.015:22.044
61James Ford/ Neil Shanks15:28.515:28.555
52Lewis Gallagher / Angus Williams 15:33.315:33.316
82Scott MacBeth/ Hannah McKillop15:35.515:35.527
41Jonathan Mounsey/ Richard Wardle15:45.915:45.968
211Ross Hunter/ Christopher Dodds15:50.015:50.079
93Stephen Thompson / Larry Higton 16:05.516:05.5110
122Wayne Sisson/ Peredur Davies16:11.516:11.5311
111Andy Davies/ Max Freeman16:12.216:12.2812
104Stewart Morrison/ Johnny Baird16:21.416:21.4113
442Alec Brown/ Lewis Brown16:27.916:27.9414
152Craig Rutherford/ Josh Davison16:30.316:30.3515
174Michael Harbour/ Ian Macdougall16:48.716:48.7216
295Iain MacKenzie/ Connor MacKenzie16:49.816:49.8117
325Des Campbell/ Craig Forsyth16:55.316:55.3218
254Dave Hopwood/ Brian foggo16:58.416:58.4319
181Donnie Macdonald/ Ashleigh Will17:02.917:02.9920
224Doug Weir/ Dan Forsyth17:04.917:04.9421
335Kev Dunn/ Sean Douglas17:07.817:07.8322
382Ross Chalmers/ Barry Young17:22.517:22.5623
242Gordon Cunningham/ Charley Sayer-Payne17:23.517:23.5724
274Cameron MacLean/ Robert Sherry17:24.417:24.4525
302Daniel Simcock/ Sam Kelter17:26.917:26.9826
163Billy Bird/ Plug Pulleyn17:34.417:34.4227
536Ally Currie/ Alex Hill17:34.517:34.5128
573Ben MacDowall/ Alison Horne17:37.117:37.1329
231David White/ Mathew White17:37.717:37.71030
344Darren Thompson/ Kyle Livingstone 17:38.617:38.6631
354Grum Willcock/ Donna Harper17:46.017:46.0732
585Ryan Ingram/ Calum MacDougall17:46.317:46.3433
376Mark Constantine/ Andrew Constantine17:46.517:46.5234
312Joe McKeand/ Charlotte McDowall17:47.417:47.4935
525Stevie Irwin/ Steven Davies17:47.617:47.6536
261John Morrison/ Sinclair Young17:51.717:51.71137
614Pat Johnson/ Tony Walker17:53.417:53.4838
364Chris (curly) Haigh/ Sally Peacock17:56.917:56.9939
835Lewis Hooper/ Steven Brown17:57.117:57.1640
414Andy Woodward/ Harry Stubbs 17:58.817:58.81041
662Tommy Graham / Mark Pickering 17:59.317:59.31042
452Jim McDowall/ Shona Hale18:04.918:04.91143
486John Cressey/ Martin Cressey18:05.518:05.5344
932Stewart Wilshire / Laura MacDougall18:05.918:05.91245
762Martin Crombie/ Charles Mackenzie 18:09.718:09.71346
855Jamie Miller/ Ian McCulloch18:10.118:10.1747
63H5Paul Daniel/ Glyn Thomas18:12.618:12.6148
492Geoffrey Gallagher / Lee Gallagher18:15.418:15.41449
774Ian Woodward/ James Cambell18:19.618:19.61150
654Norman Macphail/ James Braithwaite 18:22.618:22.61251
733Paul Miller/ Katy Mashiter18:27.018:27.0452
512Orrin McDonnell/ Clare Fraser 18:31.218:31.21553
674Gareth Hooper/ Tommi Meadows18:31.818:31.81354
602Drew Gallagher/ David Crosbie18:32.218:32.21655
752Thomas Rapson/ Michael Sutherland 18:38.018:38.01756
803Fraser MacNicol/ Phil Sandham18:43.218:43.2557
56H5John Woodward/ Kevin Ikin18:44.818:44.8258
404Chris Woodward/ Josh Beer18:46.518:46.51459
796Dan Chambers / Kenny Foggo 18:47.118:47.1460
715Euan Teuch Mackay/ Ian Parker18:48.218:48.2861
725Dan Sedgwick/ Sam Ambler18:48.318:48.3962
473Dave Thwaites/ Tony Edwards18:50.318:50.3663
626Chris Woodcock/ Heidi Woodcock18:55.118:55.1564
815Gordon Mackay/ Kerrie MacGillivray18:55.618:55.61065
1004Robert Mathieson/ Erin Mathieson18:56.918:56.91566
1095Tom Spencer/ Sam Spencer18:57.218:57.21167
204John Rintoul/ Ross Hynd18:59.718:59.71668
84H4Tom Hynd/ Sue Hynd19:02.619:02.6169
784Mark Booth/ Callum Young19:05.019:05.01770
644Dave Holland/ Neil Gater 19:05.319:05.31871
97H4Danny Cowell/ Mark Standen19:06.219:06.2272
92H2Tony Shields/ Graham Wild19:09.219:09.2173
896Scott Cleverdon/ Stephen Spear19:12.019:12.0674
942Frank William Pinder/ John Clark19:16.319:16.31875
904Nikki Addison/ Iain Thorburn19:17.419:17.41976
874James McDiarmid/ Max Bacon19:22.219:22.22077
1184Harrison Malin/ Anna-Marie Haskayne19:23.019:23.02178
822Grant Fleming/ Chloe Fleming19:24.519:24.51979
1014Andy Hardiman / Jon Hawkins19:28.119:28.12280
695Dave Mcintyre/ Cameron Dunn19:33.819:33.81281
1084Scott Jonas/ Christopher Hugh Perry19:40.619:40.62382
1026Christopher Smith/ Amy McCubbin19:43.019:43.0783
982Cammy Williamson / Fiona Moir19:51.419:51.42084
105H2Malcolm Davey/ Malcolm Smithson19:52.119:52.1285
1275Finn Thomasson/ Simon Thomasson20:00.820:00.81386
964David Mclachlan / Adam Mclachlan 20:06.220:06.22487
992Dave Riley/ Gary Dillon20:08.020:08.02188
1113Graham MacDonald / Claire Tilley 20:10.020:10.0789
746John Clayton/ Stephen Michael Booth20:12.520:12.5890
1102Bobby Macdonald/ Martin Maccabe20:24.820:24.82291
1065Andrew Wilde/ Barry Armer20:30.320:30.31492
1036Iain Noble / Alan Noble 20:55.820:55.8993
1124Dan Robinson/ Dave Raw21:25.421:25.42594
191William Paterson / Emily Easton-Page 21:42.121:42.11295
1254Peter Harris/ Stephen Hallmark21:45.421:45.42696
104H2Ian Dawes/ Gary Dawes21:49.321:49.3397
884Thomas Barlow/ Robert De Belder22:07.222:07.22798
395Peter Johnson/ Jonny Sproat22:14.522:14.51599
1244Martin Quilliam/ Adam Taylor22:24.622:24.628100
1196Nicola Boocock/ Laura Cooledge22:49.822:49.810101
1142Donald McEwan/ Donald Morrison23:00.523:00.523102
121H1Mike Curry/ Kevin MacIver23:53.523:53.51103
1224Linda Brown/ Mark Runciman 24:02.224:02.229104
502David Miller / Andrew Bailey 39:50.039:50.024105
1174Campbell McColm / Donald McColm 41:57.641:57.630106
116H3Brian MacPhail/ Sharyn Macaulay Murray42:51.142:51.11107
1156Martyn Douglas/ Mark Thurley43:04.543:04.511108
1134Sandy Arbuthnott / Ian Arbuthnott 1:00:10.91:00:10.931109
1073Colin Hope/ Billy Dalgleish1:00:15.81:00:15.88110
952Thomas Boylan/ Weazel Currie1:19:00.01:19:00.025111
These Competitors have only reached SS 3 Finish
284Matt Tarbutt/ Mike Yates16:44.716:44.732112
463Mark Borthwick/ Rhys Edwards17:51.717:51.79113
595Alasdair Ingram/ Bernard McSweeney18:25.018:25.016114

Times shown like this are notional or penalised

These results became Final on Sunday 15th October 2023 at 09:00 BST and were signed by Richard Crozier (Clerk of the Course) - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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