Car Cls Crew Penalty Total Cls
Class 1
501Jon Bray/ Freddy Hewitt146
511Brian Marquis/ Mark Annison247
541Barrie Marshall/ Oliver Marshall350
571James Palmer-Smith/ David Palmer-Smith453
581Matthew Arnold/ Lewis Arnold554
Class 2
222Dale Lawson/ Andrew Lawson120
242Paul Sheard/ Colin Stephens222
292Chris Daykin/ Michael Weeks327
392Kasia Nicklin/ Ryan Champion436
412Matthew Hilll/ Richard Hill537
422William Routledge/ Alex Routledge638
432James Tointon/ Evie Ewing739
442Nigel Booley/ Tia Booley840
532Callum Francis/ Owen Start949
642Daniel Poole/ Andrew Millington1055
Class 3
143Antony Allery/ Richard Bonner113
153Jack Tilburn/ Jody Wilson214
183Aaron Rix/ Abi Haycock317
213Robin Adams/ Ray Keith419
263Steve Dolman/ Julia Perry524
273Rob Clark/ Brett Griffin625
333John Cooledge/ Laura Cooledge730
343Mark Wade/ Gordon Downie831
353Vini Cruz/ Dan Gallant932
363Nick Heard/ Oliver Mathison1033
383David Large/ David Ottoway1135
453Mike Webb/ Simon May1241
463Mark Coleman/ Robert Best1342
473Ross Wey/ Liam Carfrae1443
483Stephen Johansen/ Harriet Worth1544
493Geoff Gouriet/ Paul Gorge1645
523Paul Yeomans/ Jon Shepherd1748
553Paul Quinnell/ Darren Jackson1851
563Chris Hedges/ Philip Russ1952
Class 4
74Martin Hodgson/ Tony Jones17
104Alasdair Stables/ Neil Jones210
134James Garner/ Jack Cuttill312
234Mark Kuehn/ Jamie Kuehn421
254Nigel Brain/ Catherine Brain523
304Stuart Ranby/ Ian Bass628
374Lee Williams/ Kevin Leek734
Class 5
125Steve Hill/ Patrick O Donovan111
165William Hill/ Richard Morton Crozier215
175Wayne Larbalestier/ Darren Larbalestier316
195Stuart Cadman/ Mike Withers418
285Neil Beaumont/ Robert Swann526
315David Daniel/ Matt Suttenwood629
Class 6
16John Griffiths/ Emma Morrison11
26Tony Robinson/ Paul Spooner22
36Ollie O'Donovan/ Ashleigh Morris33
46Steve Finch/ Sam Fordham44
56Darrell Taylor/ Steve McNulty55
66Michael Igoe/ Will Atkins66
86Kiaran Hankin/ Jame Swallow78
96Sean Quigley/ Colin Quigley89

Times shown like this are notional or penalised and numbers like this are the position on that Stage.

These results became Final on Saturday 11th February 2023 at 17:29 GMT and were signed by Clive Grounds (Clerk of the Course)

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