Car Cls Crew12345 Penalty Total Cls
143Gavin Michael Ruler/ Christopher colin peart10:4212:139:189:0811:3852:591041
212James Tointon/ Evie Ewing11:0610:219:289:15 Gearbox Failure
403Simon Mills/ Gary Dillon17:0030:009:439:28 Oil Leak
572Jason W Simms/ Jake Simms 11:4711:1110:10  Gearbox
374John Franklin-Pryce/ Duncan Lilwall11:2110:57   Loss of oil pressure
305Garry Salmon/ Dylan Scott16:3117:00   Driver Sickness
65Mark Jasper/ Don Whyatt14:349:15   Bacon Sandwich more appealing
242Simon machin / Emma Morrison17:00    Core Plug Leaving Engine
342Kasia Nicklin/ Darren Scales17:00    Bent lower arm after crest
741Benjamin de Ronde/ Peter Beaumont 11:57    Gearbox
321Michael Pickles/ Richard Copsey     Retired
445Dean Hickling/ Geoffrey Moss     Non-Starter
623Mark Begley/ Kieran Begley     Engine Issues
113Ken Sturdy/ Tom Hutchings     Non-Starter

Times shown like this are notional or penalised

Stage 1
8.60 miles
Stage 2
8.60 miles
Stage 3
8.40 miles
Stage 4
8.40 miles
Stage 5
8.10 miles

These results became Final on Sunday 28th August 2022 at 17:10 BST and were signed by Steve Ritchie (Clerk of the Course) - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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